Stunning Roses from Nightjar: As promised, I’m sending photos of my “black” roses. The dark red one I bought this year as a Black Baccara, the striped one was planted by my grandmother many years ago and it still blossoms abundantly every year. I don’t know exactly what variety it is, but after a quick google search I came up with three different names that could describe it: “Black Dragon”, “Abracadabra” and “Simsalabim”. I don’t know which one is more appropriate, I just know it’s a beautiful rose! I just want to bury my nose in that first rose. Click for full size!
© Nightjar, all rights reserved.
The Black Baccara is like solid and heavy red wine. A lovely colour. I think I prefer darker colours in double-flowered roses.
That said, the striped rose is gorgeous and the last one is especially beutiful.
I want them both in the garden! I will keep an eye out for the names, but the soonest I can get to acquire them will probably be next spring. Boo. :( But they’re both beautiful! I do love the deep velvet of the Baccara, luscious that is.
I know! That’s exactly what I’ve been doing, I just love that scent.
Ice Swimmer,
I love deep dark colours in all flowers, but I think this colour fits roses really well. Couldn’t resist the Baccara.
I hope you can find them both! BTW, did you see the Fire Rose from a while back? These three are all next to each other. I confess, that is currently my favourite corner of the garden. :)
What glorious colours! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a rose as deeply dark as that first one. Do you cut them to bring inside?
Usually I don’t. My mother sometimes does. It’s funny, because I have these memories from childhood of my grandmother (not the one who planted the striped rose) getting angry at my mother and aunt for wanting to cut certain flowers from her garden to bring inside or to put on my grandfather’s tomb (he died young). She never wanted her most beautiful flowers cut for any purpose whatsoever. For some reason and much to my mother’s despair, I seem to have inherited her feelings on cutting flowers from the garden, together with her luck with everything I plant. :D