Women adorning fancy hats celebrate President Trump’s birthday over tea at an event hosted by Virginia Women For Trump at the Trump International Hotel in Washington on June 24, 2018. (Photo: Jared Holt).
Tea for Trump. Uh huh. I’m just going to include choice quotes here, because reading the whole article made me feel rather ill.
The Trump International Hotel’s largest ballroom was packed wall-to-wall with Republican women donning ornate hats and fascinators made of mesh, lace, ribbon, and feathers, at the Virginia Women For Trump’s “Tea for Trump” event yesterday, which celebrated the belated birthday of President Donald Trump. Organizers repeatedly insisted that the idea that women do not like Trump was “fake news.”
Prior event descriptions claimed that a member of the Trump family was expected to attend, although none appeared to be on-site for the tea celebration. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was also rumored to be attending in order to receive an award, but did not make an appearance.
Rather, those in the crowd who had traveled from as far as California and paid at least $100 per person had a chance to gaze upon pro-Trump fashion designer Andre Soriano’s 45 gowns meant to commemorate Trump’s election as the 45th president of the United States. One dress was dedicated to Trump’s meeting with North Korean officials in Singapore and a young girl wearing one of Soriano’s dresses earned widespread applause.

A model adorns a dress premiered at “Tea for Trump” that designer Andre Soriano fashioned as a tribute to Trump’s meeting with North Korean officials in Singapore. (Screenshot / YouTube).
YouTube duo Diamond & Silk (Lynnette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson), who testified before Congress earlier this year after Facebook mistakenly flagged their fan page, were perhaps the biggest draw of the event and stepped on stage to a standing ovation. At the podium, the duo showered praise on Trump, at one point asking, “When I look at how our president has built this particular hotel. If he can do this and that, then why can’t he make America great again?”
The Tiny Tyrant did not build the hotel. He scammed a lot of cash to have it built, then turned around and refused to pay a lot of those people who did the actual work. When it comes to this country, he hasn’t changed tactics much.

The Deplorable Choir performs a brief song at Virginia Women For Trump’s “Tea for Trump” event at the Trump International Hotel in Washington on June 24, 2018. (Screenshot / YouTube).
The “Deplorable Choir” vocal trio made a surprise appearance while bearing a guitar that was not strummed once during their brief song. The lyrics were as follows:
Well, we love God and family,
We support our troops through everything,
We got Trump 2020 on the back of our pickup trucks,
We back the blue and the NRA,
We’re for pro-life and American-made,
Raise your hand if you’re proud to be damn deplorable.
Um…well, ladies, I wouldn’t be terribly proud of those songwritin’ skills you’re flaunting about. Perhaps if you learn how to play that guitar…no, wouldn’t help.
You can read the whole nasty mess at Right Wing Watch, although I don’t recommend reading with a full stomach.
Weaponized children, they say. Deplorable is much too mild for them.
I’m not being very original here, but the conservative “pro-life” (anti-choice) stance is anything but. It isn’t pro-life when it comes to being at a risk of getting shot, being bombed by U.S. military, falling ill while being poor or starving. They’re much more pro-death, pro-killing, pro-negligence than pro-life.
Ice Swimmer:
Oh yes, that’s more than clear. The only thing they care about is the subjugation of women, ensuring that we have absolutely no bodily autonomy. If they had their way, they’d make sure no contraception of any type be available to women. It’s bad enough that they about killed any woman’s ability to obtain Plan B. You can get it in exactly one effing pharmacy in my state. And, pharmacists in some states have the right to religiously object to providing contraception.
I have read the title as The Rump at the first glance. No idea why.
The headdresses of the Deplorable Choir are just killing it. I thought Pocahontas was the enemy.
(Also, Q: how does a model adorn a dress? I’m confused.)
By being the prettily painted hanger on which the dress is draped? I don’t know, but obviously, it’s the dress which is important. Gotta say, that’s a nasty looking dress, too. The high upper half is okay, but the elongated mermaid tail? No. And the fabric sucks, it’s all terribly wrinkled and looks stiff and unmovable.
@3, @4… I was looking for The Rump adorning a dress…no such luck…
Wait, what? If the guitar wasn’t meant to be played, what was it for? Are guitars considered adornments now?
I believe she’s adorning it with the 18,000 carat necklace, the black obi, and the vagina purse (or anatomically incorrect 8-chambered heart box of chocolates) she’s displaying in her right hand.
Some of those hats…
-- when I was very young, wearing a *special* hat to church on Easter was a thing.
-- the local stores would stock blank hats and ribbon and fake flowers and stuff
So one would go to the store, buy a hat blank, and ribbons and etc., and go home and concoct a for Easter Sunday.
I think I recall doing is two or three times with my Mom. Then we just used the old hats. Then we just went with *meh*.
Most of those hats in the OP look like my church ca.1965
Four tea for forty-five at five.
When white supremacy is more important than your own welfare, and even more tragically, the welfare of your children.
Thank goodness I was wearing my sunglasses already. Too white.