The second picture shows a loom for tabet weaving.
If you ever want to try your hands at it, it’s quite fun.
I recognize that second picture as something I would call an inkle loom. ( Great for tablet weaving as well as other types! I’ve mostly used mine for crossed warp techniques such as are traditionally done on a backstrap loom in the highlands of the Andes. I second Giliell’s suggestion: It’s a fun and simple and very versatile device.
The second picture shows a loom for tabet weaving.
If you ever want to try your hands at it, it’s quite fun.
I recognize that second picture as something I would call an inkle loom. ( Great for tablet weaving as well as other types! I’ve mostly used mine for crossed warp techniques such as are traditionally done on a backstrap loom in the highlands of the Andes. I second Giliell’s suggestion: It’s a fun and simple and very versatile device.