Detail from Sermon and Deeds of the Antichrist, Luca Signorelli, San Brizio Chapel.
The antichrist will be…a homosexual Jew! So sayeth idiot Rick Wiles.
…Wiles said that this sort of “apostasy” is a sign that the End Times are near and warned that the Antichrist “will be a homosexual Jew.”
“What is the spirit of antichrist?” Wiles said. “It is anybody or anything that denies that Jesus Christ came to earth as God in human flesh. That is antichrist. If you deny it, then you are antichrist. And the Jews and Judaism is antichrist. Any Jew that denies that Jesus Christ is the son of God in human flesh, then he is antichrist. Judaism is antichrist. Islam is antichrist. Hinduism, Buddhism, all those isms [are] antichrist because they deny the virgin birth of the son of God.”
Yeah, yeah, only christianity is right, but you all can’t fucking figure out which christianity is right, you all think your particular flavour is right, and the rest are wrong. Nothing new to see here, although I am surprised to see atheism given a pass. I guess we don’t count against all those other isms.
“I personally believe that the Man of Perdition, the one that you call Antichrist, I personally believe he will be a homosexual Jew,” Wiles added. “Watch out for global Zionism taking over this planet through artificial intelligence. There are two things that you cannot publicly criticize now; you cannot criticize the homosexual agenda and you cannot criticize Zionism. Those two are together. They’re driven by the same spirit. And what is coming is a global entity that is going to be Zionism and homosexuality and it’s going to be operated through artificial intelligence and it’s going to be policed through the most high-tech surveillance society that you can imagine. It will be a nightmare.”
Sigh. Seems to me that I see a hell of a lot of public criticism of all things queer; and worse, much bigoted railing and open hatred. Same goes for any and all things and people Jewish. I haven’t noticed the nazis shutting the fuck up lately, or just your garden variety bigots, who are well known for their fear and hatred of Jewish people. So much for that declaration. The christian agenda of attempting to usher in the ‘end times’ is hardly a secret, and you have to have those pesky Jewish people around for that to happen, but it sure doesn’t mean you have to like them, right, Mr. Wiles? As for that ushering in, shouldn’t that really be the business of that lazy ass god of yours?
As for your pretend “global entity”, no, that’s not going to happen, anymore than the terminator showing up at your door. As for high-tech surveillance societies, well, that’s most of the major players, and has been for a very long time. No one loves tech more than governments. That’s not to say that most of them are very good at it, they aren’t. Mostly, they all spend time trying to shift blame and cover up all the mass fuck ups. Surveillance is a fact of life anymore. Well, unless you’re a cop.
“Israel embraces homosexuality,” he continued. “They need to be told, ‘You’re sinners, you’re going to go to Hell, you need to repent, you need to call upon the name of Jesus!’”
I’m pretty sure all of Israel is not a hotbed of queerness, and I’m pretty sure there’s a lot of bigotry and disapproval there too, just like everywhere else.
A slapdash reading of the Wikipedia article makes me think that Trump is the antichrist.
If I believed in all that nonsense, then yes, Trump fits.
I don’t understand christians. Sometimes they sound like they are super excited for the end of times to come, sometimes they are telling sinners to repent before their sins bring about the end of times. Can’t make up their minds, it seems.
I don’t understand them either. Everything is always a contradiction, but that never seems to bother them.
Like conspiracy theorists, end times Christians always envisage (slash design) an enemy that is within their ability to identify and defeat. It would never occur to them to end the sentence “the Antichrist will be” with “cleverer than me”.
No, which is rather surprising given how much they go on about how “the enemy” is so gosh darn smart, clever, and oh so tricksy.
I am left with the impression that the anti-Christ will be a homosexual robot that has converted to Judaism. I must not have read that correctly.
“[Y]ou cannot criticize the homosexual agenda and you cannot criticize Zionism.” Said the man who somehow makes a living doing both on a near-daily basis.