Iris. Iridescência, Portuguese for iridescence.
One thing I love about Iris flowers is the way they look iridescent under the right lighting conditions, but I find this very hard to capture in a picture. I tried my best here with the purple irises blooming in my garden right now.
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© Nightjar, all rights reserved.
You captured it beautifully, Nightjar! I love Irises, such royal looking flowers.
I think your best is quite stellar, Nightjar. Very rich colour and a good dose of iridescence, it is beautiful. You must be having some delicious weather.
Oh so beautiful, you captured it perfectly!
One of the reasons I love Iris so much is the bulbs are poisonous and therefore, the Western Pocket Gopher (scourge of my garden) won’t eat it. They will still sometimes kill them, by digging a big chamber under them so they are hanging in air underground and can’t get water or nutrients, but they don’t actually eat them. Most other things I have to plant in containers, but not Iris, which I really appreciate, not to mention they are stunning flowers.
A very sensual picture.
Thank you, Caine! Yeah, they are gorgeous flowers, I particularly like those with darker tones.
rq, thanks! This photo was taken a few weeks ago, but yes, the weather has been quite nice lately. Some rain showers but a lot of sun too, and temperatures around 20ºC. Water, sun, warmth… the flowers are happy!
kestrel, thank you! Indeed I never had a problem with Iris bulbs, while other bulbs often disappear, that would explain why. In my garden I blame the voles, and I think moles also do some damage. Moles seem to love my garden for some reason.
Thank you, Ice Swimmer, glad you like it!
Proud purple.
I love the way you use light, Nightjar. The circles of green and white light in the background really set off those fabulous purples.