Students protest for tighter gun laws in Washington, DC, on March 14, 2018. (Photo: Bradley Williams for People For the American Way).
Master of rabid frothery Kevin Swanson is upset about guns, sort of. He can’t seem to figure out why those meddling kids are upset, but da youth is going to destroy Amerikka, yessir, just like every generation gone before them.
Radical right-wing pastor Kevin Swanson was not impressed with yesterday’s nationwide walkout in which thousands of students left school to protest gun violence in the wake of the mass shooting last month at a Florida high school, saying that the fact that the movement is being led by young people is a sign that America is under the judgment of God.
[Snips irrelevant passage from Isaiah]
“In other words, the young folks have all this revolutionary zeal but no real wisdom to govern what they are doing,” he said. “This is the result of the breaking of the commandment of God. Things are not going well with us in the land, we are not seeing things going well for tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions of people across the country largely because the massive violation of the Fifth Commandment: Honor your father and your mother.”
Oh, the same old shite argument: you don’t have experience! Taking action is one way to gain experience, Mr. Swanson, and all kids need to start somewhere. Also, I am sick to death of these self-righteous assholes acting as though all the high school students are toddlers. A good many of these young people are mere months away from legal adulthood and voting. Others are quite a few years away from that, but you don’t get to act as though they have no right to think about issues and come to a conclusion about them. As issues go, guns are an easy one. We don’t need the fucking things, they should be under strict control, if for no other reason, to prevent more young people from needlessly dying. Most of these kids are in favour of gun reform, so they don’t even want to completely take your lethal toys away. The kids are alright, they are doing the right thing. As for your commandment, did it not occur, Mr. Swanson, that the majority of these kids have parents who stand behind them one hundred percent? Parents who are proud of their children for taking action and refusing to back down?
I’ve always hated that idiotic commandment. A lot of people end up with shit parents, you know, and no, they aren’t deserving of honour, or obedience, or any other thing. When it comes to parents and children, that whole ‘honour’ business needs to work both ways. Parenting is a difficult business much of the time, but you are supposed to be raising up individuals who can think for themselves. Well, at least if you’re not an asshole christian, who is more into brainwashing and numb obedience.
“Young people need to come to grips with the fact that they have not honored their parents’ wisdom,” Swanson said. “For this, God is bringing his judgment upon these individuals and upon this nation.”
Uh huh. Perhaps you’d like to say that to the parents who have lost a child to gun violence. Seems to me that a lot of parents are embracing their children’s wisdom, and they are acting together for the greater good. They don’t want more dead children and parents lost in a lifetime of grief, which is more than I can say for you asshole christians, who think some dead kids here and there are an acceptable price to pay in order to keep your lethal toys.
Honor your father and your mother.
I do not believe god said that. I bet it was snuck in there afterward by some teen-ager’s parents.
Honestly, how much experience does it need to know that you don’t want to be killed while sitting in class?
If you need any then I think that nearly having been killed in class makes you qualified…
What do they even mean by that?
As Caine said, many of those kids have very supportive parents. And how exactly do you honour them? And what suffering is caused by this, as opposed to, say, a few thousand people being killed by guns?
And last but not least, how come that rule never applies to christian teens who are active in all kinds of shit?
The teens from Parkland have too much experience already. They seem to be putting it to good use in dealing with assholes.
He’s right -- the teens who protested along side me against the Viet Nam war are the old farts who voted for Trump. Therefor wisdom does not exist.
This growing anti-gun movement has been widely dismissed as “emotional frenzy”, driven by the unusual popular appeal of few charismatic and media-savvy individuals. I think that’s somewhat accurate -- but then again the pro-gun side seems also notably reluctant to deal in rational arguments.
Certainly, focusing on the young age of these survivors is a clear ad hominem, not to mention the very strained connection to the patriarchal ideal of “honoring your parents”.
Just read a news report that a 9-yr old boy in Mississippi shot his 14-yr old sister. It sounds like the violent video games narrative is going to be trotted out yet again. The question should be “Why the hell was he able to get his hands on a fucking gun?” Wisdom of the parents, I think not. The parents should be charged with negligence, never be allowed to own a firearm, and CPS should be taking a long hard look at the family.
I’m rooting for these kickass teens, they are what the US needs. If you are opposed to them, you are pro-child murder.