Today, a host of different flavours in the category of evil conservative christians, who will deny reality and be incredibly offensive to their dying breath. Guns are a major problem in Ustates, and that’s an understatement. It’s beyond time we grew the fuck up and put the lethal toys away. Oh, but what are some dead children (or adults) to conservative christians? Nothing, that’s what. The main focus here will be that smarmy asshole, Wayne Allyn Root, who is indeed incensed, but it’s not about guns, oh no.
“Here is my other complaint, and it is a big one,” Root said. “What’s the biggest news story of the day? See, the media thinks it’s this shooting and they will blanket it. Of the 30 minutes on the news tonight, I’ll bet you 20-plus will be the shooting, maybe 25 of them will be the shooting and then maybe they’ll put five minutes at the end in other news today. And none of them will even mention the story I am about to give you, which I think is the biggest news story in America by far.”
“This shooting is horrible, horrific, and if you’re the parents, I’m crying for you,” he said, “but it’s a one-time event and tomorrow we’re on to something else, but this is representative of what is going on in America.”
A one time event? No, these shootings are not one time events, that would be the fucking problem, Mr. Root. These mass shootings are increasing, and in many cases, there are warnings blaring all over the damn place, but no one can do anything because guns everywhere.
Fuming that a jury had awarded graffiti artists more than $6 million after murals they had painted were destroyed by a real estate developer, Root ranted that “this is what is wrong with America.”
This, according to Mr. Root, is the BIGGEST story in America. Yep. Don’t get bigger than that, oh no. Why an obscenely rich asshole destroyed a lot of art, and was fined for it. Dead kids? Yes, but did you see this? Much, much worse!
“Liberals see a school shooting one time—how many kids are there in America? There is 330 million people, so maybe there is like 40 million kids in school, 25 million kids in school,” he said. “Let’s say there are 25 to 40 million kids in school right now; God forbid anyone’s child is ever killed, any child that is killed is a nightmare and a tragedy beyond belief—I’m not trying to make light of it—but 5 kids killed, 10 kids killed, 20 kids killed, horrific, but that doesn’t affect society forever more. But when you’ve got judges awarding $6.7 million to punk thug graffiti lowlifes because a good man, a developer, covered up their art, that affects the entire country forever.”
Are there even adequate words for such a callous dismissal? Oh, those dead kids, they’ll be forgotten, who cares? Unfortunately for Mr. Root, a whole lot of us care. We care that people died for no fucking reason at all, just another person having a temper tantrum with the opportunity to make it lethal. We care that the families and friends of those slain are forever altered, and they are a part of society, Mr. Root, and you do not get to pretend they are no longer part of American society. These lethal incidents have a longstanding effect on the psyche of our society. Other countries recognize the terrible cost of such lethality, and not being mired in stupidity, take measures to see such things cannot happen. All we get from assholes like yourself are the ever ubiquitous thoughts and prayers.
As for your big story, I feel awful for the artists, I know how I’d feel if my work was wiped out by an arrogant asshole, but I can’t imagine who would be at all sorry said arrogant asshole had to pay for his behaviour. All that said, none of that, in any way, measures up to the horror, shock and grief of dead children and adults. A favourite argument of conservative christians when it comes to abortion is “but what if it’s your pregnancy which would result in someone who cures cancer?” and so on. “You could be carrying the hope of humanity!” Why doesn’t that argument work when it comes to people with guns mowing down children in schools? What if those kids were holding a future hope of humanity? Ah, but that’s conservative christians for you, they love fetuses and hate children.
You can read the whole thing at RWW.
Also in the evil conservative christian category:
Carl Gallups has gone with the latest shooting being a demonic attempt to undermine America via gun control. Because antichrist. Oh, and demons.
Fox News host Greg Gutfeld has the solution: drill and train children in hand to hand combat, because that will work so well against guns.
Dave Daubenmire wants to know why not one 17 year old male in the latest shooting was not man enough to tackle the shooter. Erm, maybe they didn’t want to fucking die, Dave.
Liz Crokin “thinks” the shooter was innocent and framed by “Deep State”.
If it was a muslim that had done the shooting, it’d be all islam all day channel.
You know, if Root was shot by someone, i bet he would think it would “affect society forever more.”
On a side note, I was terribly disappointed, but not at all surprised, that our two illustrious senators, Burr and Tillis, were among the recipients of the highest amounts of money from the NRA. I fucking hate republicans.
No, and I have more than one language at my disposal.
Really? How exactly?
I mean, it would be nice if your country came around to value a few things more than guns and money, but speaking of on-off events, that’s probably one.
Today I read the post of a mother whose 8 year old asked her to buy her new shoes.
Were her shoes too small? Did other kids make fun of her?
No, she actually loved her cool shoes with the light in the soles*, but she was afraid that if she needed to hide from a gunman the shoes would give her away and she would be shot.
An 8 year old.
*Those shoes are the coolest thing ever, because in winter your kid is seen well in traffic
“Liberals see a school shooting one time—how many kids are there in America?”
By the same dudes (well, very usually, dudes) which go all sanctimonious on baby-killer Liberals supporting abortion.
Just lost some time on the internet arguing with some ass0le about it.
Regulating alcohol -- oh yeah, young adults may make a poor choice.
Banning abortion -- a must, protecting the innocents is a moral necessity of the highest order (so, just banning, no prevention, sex ed, whatever?)
Regulating guns after children were murdered -- certainly not, totally not comparable. And it wouldn’t work (like the ban on abortion?)
Bizarre how some young adults making a poor choice have to be more prevented from doing that choice than others.
Saying that he is an asshole is inherently insulting assholes. Asshole is an important orifice fullfilling a useful and necessary funcition in every organism having one. This man however is a complete vaste of particles and space-time and the world will be a better place after his demise.
Why use four words when one will do? C’mon, we all know what word you really want to use -- it begins with “N” and rhymes with “bigger”.
“By the same dudes (well, very usually, dudes) which go all sanctimonious on baby-killer Liberals supporting abortion.”
yep, and these same scum are arguing for stricter and stricter abortion laws, while simultaneously arguing that gun laws won’t do any good.