Long live evolution, Yehrin Tong.
Dave Daubenmire is frothing again, this time about things he doesn’t understand. Well, to be fair, Dave never seems to understand what he’s talking about.
“Evolution is fake science, it is not true,” Daubenmire said. “Do you know how much government money goes into science research? If you want to get a government grant, you have to make sure that the research that you do is going to support the positions of the government.”
“I would like to see the government do this,” he continued, “why doesn’t the government fund research into whether or not there is really a God? Wouldn’t that be good? Let’s dump a lot of money—rather than dumping all this [money into research] proving there isn’t a God, let’s fund some scientists to do some research to see if there is a God.”
Oh FFS. I am not in any way involved in science of any kind, but even I know there are plenty of organizations funding such moronic “research”, the Templeton Foundation probably being the most recognizable. In research of the past, there were scads of people attempting to prove “god”, “angels”, and “souls”. Didn’t work out. I’d like to take a moment though, to focus on Dave’s wording: “to see if there is a God.” Words matter. Seems Dave doesn’t understand that, either. So, Dave’s apparently not sure there is a god, and which god ‘science’ might uncover, if only the government would give it a chance.
As far as I know, there isn’t any money being unceremoniously dumped into proving there isn’t a god. Money goes to research all the magnificent and wondrous things around us. That’s a lot of stuff, Dave, and biology research is hardly limited to evolutionary studies. Biology would be one of those BIG fields.
A small suggestion, Dave – shut up, get on your knees, and start praying. Hard. I’m sure if you ask nicely enough, and long enough, why that monster of yours might consent to proving it exists, shouldn’t be a problem, right? What if that won’t happen because you don’t have enough faith, Dave? Ooops.
Via RWW.
“Do you know how much government money goes into science research? If you want to get a government grant, you have to make sure that the research that you do is going to support the positions of the government.”
He’s thinking of being a defense contractor. Easy mistake to make.
As “Coach” Dave’s entry at the Encyclopedia of American Loons points out, he’s been full-rant kook for some time, claiming “demonic spirits are running the country”, accepting the chemtrails nonsense, “called Fred Phelps ‘part of the body of Christ'”, claims “Obama has done more to fuel racism than George Wallace”, and on and on and on. And on.
Oh yes, Dave barely takes time to catch his breath in between rants. Honestly, there are many times where you can *see* the desperation when it comes to various topics. Dave has ranted so much, there isn’t a lot left to rant about, so he makes things up out of whole cloth, and even there, he’s running out.
As I understand it, Xtian teachings explicitly declare that the Xtian community is the “body” of Christ—thus, the term “corpus Christi”—so yeah, in that paradigm, Xtian Fred Phelps sure is part of the body of Christ. Which part of said body Phelps is… is a matter of opinion.
cubist@4, Never heard that before. Whilst I find the Ye Pffft! of All Knowledge article on “Corpus Christi” confusing, the ghist I get is it’s the eat-the-body-of-the-carpenter’s-son cannibalism celebrated by some xian sects, not that xians believe they are what they think they are eating. Of course, all this is deep into the hilariously weird, so my rationality filter — which is about to clogged by the sheer stooopidity — is perhaps interfering. And, of course, who knows what Mr Daubenmire meant. I would not be surprised if even he has no idea what he meant, including (ever-)changing claims of what it means.