Rather than fixating on the clothing or obsessing over the figure, the French fashion photographer Marwane Pallas places a special emphasis on the external objects within the frame. Props within the scene that would normally serve a supporting role are given equivalent degrees of attention to the standard “centerpieces” of the fashion photos.
You can see much more of Marwane Pallas’s work, and read more at The Creators Project, Marwane Pallas’s website, or instagram.
I love the colors!! Wow!
I don’t like the pose of the model’s left foot in the upper one. But “if the picture were very different, then it would be very different.”
Hmmm. I’m good with the position. It’s almost driverly, as if “when I stop looking so marvelously bored, I’m going to turn around and drive away.”
I almost didn’t say anything. It’s a really beautiful picture.
Interesting that you’re looking at the intent and motion; I was thinking that the foot should be aligned with his upper thigh and left upper arm.. But then my compositions have come in for a lot of criticism for being too literal and linear, go figure!
I find it interesting that there seems to be an issue with the left foot at all -- I wouldn’t have spent 10 minutes staring at it otherwise, though. That first one is very Renaissance nude, and I’m in love with the lighting. The one with the button has a Michael Hague look to it, though that’s not the specific artist I’m thinking of (there’s one that does fairies and such with similar-looking lighting). Oh look, there’s two with buttons, and they both have that lovely atmospheric feel to them. The standing button also reminds me of the artist who did cover art for a couple of books (though the style is more obviously similar in other words of his).
I really like the impressionism of the apple photo, though. The soft colour palette and the crunchy core, mm mmmm.
rq, oh, I thought it was too adorable when Pallas was trying to explain about the buttons, and how they weren’t canon! Just getting around Instagram’s nudity policy. :D
Oh,you are so deliciously filthy, and I enjoy that so very much.
I believe “scrrrrumptious” is the word. ;)
Yes. Yes, it is. ;D