New life bursting out and the arachnid staff has already set up the first strands of silk.
The new life is getting a shock, down to -5 or so next two nights. :/
Ice Swimmersays
Yeah, the weather has been a mixture of snowfall and sunshine here, cold nights. Probably the same raft of cold air is hanging on top or both of us.
This Saturday there’s some event for celebrating Japanese style ornamental cherries in Roihuvuori, Helsinki. They might not be blooming yet, though.
Today we had 1 cm of snow in Helsinki and daytime temps under 5C. I haven’t seen May snowfall since I was a child.
Driving home this morning ca. 5AM, it was snowy in the city, drove through white-out conditions about 5k from the hometown, and pulled up to my backyard which had barely any precipitation at all and dry asphalt. All within the span of half an hour.
Nascent growth is already home to tiny spids.
New life bursting out and the arachnid staff has already set up the first strands of silk.
The new life is getting a shock, down to -5 or so next two nights. :/
Yeah, the weather has been a mixture of snowfall and sunshine here, cold nights. Probably the same raft of cold air is hanging on top or both of us.
This Saturday there’s some event for celebrating Japanese style ornamental cherries in Roihuvuori, Helsinki. They might not be blooming yet, though.
Today we had 1 cm of snow in Helsinki and daytime temps under 5C. I haven’t seen May snowfall since I was a child.
Driving home this morning ca. 5AM, it was snowy in the city, drove through white-out conditions about 5k from the hometown, and pulled up to my backyard which had barely any precipitation at all and dry asphalt. All within the span of half an hour.