Summer Peters is hoping to inspire other Indigenous women to push the boundaries of Native art. (Andrea Noline).
Summer Peters, an Ojibway artist, recently won an award for her piece, Decolonize Your Gitch. I have to say, I quite like it, there’s a joyous assertiveness to it, and a bit of happy, rebellious fuck off in there as well. The piece has come under fire from some, there are people who say it promotes violence against native women, but I think those arguments can be consigned to the same old rape culture arguments women always hear, that for some reason or other, it’s totally our fault if we end up raped, beaten or murdered. There are also a number of people, usually not native, who object to any modernization of traditional Indigenous arts.
An Ojibway artist is taking a feminist stand against online critics, who say she should be ashamed of her recent award-winning piece called Decolonize Your Gitch.
Summer Peters recently won a judge’s choice award at a U.S. art festival for her artwork, a bra and thong beaded with traditional floral designs.
After she posted it to social media, “I would say 99% of the people liked it,” Peters said.
But others objected to the piece, accusing her of “promoting violence towards native women.”
“There was a guy that said I should be ashamed of myself, my family should be ashamed of me, that I was nuts, that I was crazy, that my beadwork was shitty,” said Peters.
In response to her critics, Peters wrote in an Instagram post:
“I will take all the negative criticism so that Native lady artists in the future will maybe have an easier time … women should not be told what to do, what to wear in attempts to avoid sexual violation, we should not have to cover up and/or NOT wear a pretty bra & panty set or bikini because we might be violated and it would be all of our faults.”
You can read more here.
The concerns some people have for the safety of native women are quite touching.
I was missing the connection between the image posted and the accusation.
I thought maybe the controversial art piece was shown in the linked article. I clicked the link.
I realised that the controversial, violence promoting piece is, in fact, a gorgeous yet harmless bikini.
Fuck that shit.