This is what we need! More please. And sign the letter, too.
Out of a place of darkness I began to think of all the amazing individuals, known and unknown who have risen up and created movements that change history. This is in honor of the people who truly do make America great.
We built a fire
The fire burns bright
You can blow hard
But you can’t kill light
We come together
Sometimes we fight
You can knock us down
But you can’t kill light
You Can’t Kill Light
No you can’t kill light
We built a railroad
Out of the past
We nailed down every tie
And we won’t go back
High in your tower
Of steel & glass
You can sign the order
But we won’t go back
No we won’t go back,
we won’t go back
We built this house
That we could share
Now you want it for yourself
But we’re still here
You think we’re different
It makes you scared
So you raise a wall around you
But we’re still here
We’re still here,
we’re still here
We lay the table
We shared our cup
Now you tell us we’re not welcome
But we don’t give up
We outlast hate
We rise above
You can knock us down
But you can’t kill love
You can’t kill love,
no you can’t kill love
We built a fire
The fire burns bright
You can blow hard
But you can’t kill light
We come together
We come to fight
You can knock us down
But you can’t kill light
You can’t kill light
No, you can’t kill light
Via Plus.
She’s even got physics on her side! There are conservation laws of energy that agree with her. :)
Beautiful song with pictures perfectly set to the content