I want one!
Made for Ikea’s Space10, this is the Growroom, specifically made for cities, it can grow a communities worth of food and herbs. I’m not urban, but I still want one. The best news? Space10 and architects Sine Lindholm and Mads-Ulrik Husum have open sourced this, so anyone can make one.
Very cool! Anyone with a plasma or roto plywood cutter can make the parts pretty quick!
(A rectangular one would be a lot easier but not as nifty looking)
For some reason I am picturing one of those made with spiralling inner walkways and padded sitting spots, growing a crop of catnip. It’d be the cat motel!
Hee. I’m sure a whole variety of them could be made! This one does have benches on the inside, but lacks a cool spiral stairway.
The nice thing about CAD based design is you could make it out of anything, any side. Someone at Bath Iron Works with the stock could make one of these out of steel, the size of a house…
PS -- the moss-mat it’s resting upon looks suspiciously like a giant gummy bear-skin. I hope I’m wrong; those things are going extinct.
As long as it’s not a tardigrade skin…
The Greater Gummi Bear, which is now mostly extinct, used to be quite a delicacy. But now, thanks to overhunting, we’ve just got little tiny ones that never reach full maturity.
This is great, though I’m wondering how long they last.
Giliell @ 7
I think it would be better to use pots or some kind of inserts instead of exposing the plywood on soil moisture directly. Also, building the plywood structure in a small greenhouse is the way to go, I think.
Herbs, I get. Where do I grow the potatoes and other heavy vegetables? Also needs a space for chickens.
And wheels, ha.
The only thing I would add, as Ice Swimmer mentions, is a greenhouse-type structure around it, because the growing season here is so short. Should be okay with the summer sunlight.
It would be its own small ecology, and probably smells awesome.