There’s a bowlful of facepalm this Sunday. We’ll start with Smarm-master Wayne Allen Root, who has decided that all people who oppose Tiny Dictator Trump are mentally ill.
“There is not much that needs to be said,” Root declared. “They’re unhinged, they’re off the rails, they’re mentally ill. The Democratic Party has Trump Derangement Syndrome and they are no longer an opposition party or a leading party; they’re not willing to come to the table and work, they’re not willing to vote on Supreme Court nominees, they’re just looking to block and boycott. They’re crazy and so we have just got to run the country and ignore them … I think we have got to erase Obama like he was never there.”
Root went on to encourage the state of California “to leave the union” because “it would be the best thing to ever happen to America, conservatives, the Republican Party [and] patriots. My God, if California seceded with its fifty-plus electoral votes, we win every election for the rest of history.”
“We don’t want California as part of this country anymore,” Root continued, adding that he’d also love to see New York, Illinois, Maryland and all of New England likewise secede and “let this country be a nice conservative country run by people like Donald Trump and Wayne Root.”
Just the idea…*shudder*. You would either find me out of the country, or in a seceded state. Interesting, I suppose, that it doesn’t at all occur to Root what would happen to their dictatorship if California, New York, Illinois, Maryland and all of New England did leave all the conservative idiots on their own. Not only would their economy bottom out, but there would be one heck of a brain drain. RWW has the full story.
We now move on to Pastor Carl Gallups, who is railing on about immigration, and how it’s ‘god’s’ punishment. I wish these jackasses would be specific. Really can’t see Set or Dionysus or a host of other gods doing something so psychopathic and petty.
Insisting that this is all part of “spiritual warfare,” Gallups said, “What’s happening now is a big, heavy dose, a seismic shift of common sense, rule of law and human decency is beginning to come back in vogue and the left and their counterpart in the demonic realm, they are screaming, ‘Oh, it’s utter chaos, it’s utter chaos.’”
I haven’t been in any demonic realm, nor have I been screaming “oh, it’s utter chaos” either. I have been doing my best to wake people the fuck up, that’s a bit different. Fighting and Resistance are not the same as quivering in panic, just so you know.
He went on to explain that while “the world is so concerned about the flood of refugees and illegal immigrants that are violating our boundaries and borders,” it can all be traced back to God’s punishment on America for teaching evolution and allowing gay rights and legal abortion.
No, no, no, no, no. I’m not at all concerned about refugees. I am concerned about all the things which are forcing people to flee their countries. I’m fine with the people, it’s all the war, intolerance, and other nastiness I’m primarily concerned with, because it’s those things which need to change. No one has been violating boundaries or borders. It’s a fucking nonsensical concept anyway. Human imposed borders have been shifting for as long as there have been humans. Same thing goes with migration. People move. *Shrug*
“Here’s what I have been saying for years before this date,” he said, “and that was: Look, we have violated the borders of our children’s minds, for 100 years we have told them that they come from monkeys and that there is no God. We have violated the borders of their souls and their spirits. We have violated the borders of the womb in America and have destroyed 60 million children. We have violated the borders of sexuality, we have violated the borders of family, we have violated the borders of marriage, we have violated the borders of gender. And now, as a judgment from God or as discipline from God, our own geographical borders are now being violated.”
Oooh, yes, introducing children to the concept of thinking, then teaching them how to think, yeah, that’s evil. We don’t come from monkeys, you dipshit. We’re apes. It’s an ‘all in the family’ kind of thing. Can’t we have a law somewhere that prohibits idiots from spouting off about biology until they have had to study it? Yeah, yeah. I can dream.
“The borders of the womb.” :chokes: There’s no one uterus, dude. Individual uteruses are not parts of a hive-uterus. A uterus is a bodily organ, not an entity. A uterus is not an individual. Said organs are inside many individuals, who supposedly have control of them, just like the rest of their organs. Many individuals with uteruses aren’t remotely interested in you or anyone else’s opinion on them. As far as my uterus is concerned, consider it an undiscovered country. No one is welcome.
Borders, borders, borders. You’re boring me to death with this obsession. So Jehovah has gotten all pissy and decided to just now do this immigration thing, eh? So, you’re a dyed in the wool idiot, too. I have to say, ol’ El Shaddai has lost his touch. It got so bent out of shape over a lack of hospitality that he crispy crittered two cities, and turned a sorrowful woman into salt, for the great crime of grieving over her lost family and home. If continuing immigration is all it has, I think your god is past its used by date. Just sayin’. RWW has the story.
Last is right wing lawyer, Larry Klayman, who thinks he’s really onto something with suing our former president:
Right-wing attorney Larry Klayman appeared on Steve Malzberg’s Newsmax program today to discuss the lawsuit he has filed against former President Obama for allegedly inciting a protestor opposed to President Trump’s ban on refugees and immigrants from several predominantly Muslim nations to “assault” him at Los Angeles International Airport over the weekend. That “assault” apparently consisted of carrying a sign and yelling at passengers.
“Someone with an Arabic accent, a female, charged at me and others in a very aggressive and provocative way,” Klayman said, “causing us fear of immediate bodily injury or death—that’s the standard for assault. She was obviously egged on by President Obama after he left office, in his private capacity, when he was giving a call to arms, in effect, to protesters to continue this mayhem and destruction.”
Obama was likewise responsible for the violent protest at Berkeley University last night, Klayman said.
Klayman insisted that his lawsuit “has great merit” and that he looks forward to proving that Obama “is responsible … for assaulting me Sunday evening.”
I have run right out of comment. I am so tired of dipshit idiots. RWW has the story and video.
Klayman has assaulted my brain. Can I sue him for that?
” right wing lawyer, Larry Klayman, ” I believe it was Orac at Responsible Insolence who dubbed Klaymen as Americas dumbest lawyer not called Orilz Tate, can some one confim this for me?
AndrewD, that’s an Ed Brayton meme, with Mat Staver in the list as well.
Kengi, Thank you
Oh, what a lovely idea that is!
AndrewD, I can’t confirm, but Orac is no fan of Klayman.
Sez Wayne Allen Root:
If only there were a word to describe political systems in which criticising the Glorious Leader was characterised as a crime or a mental health issue.
Umm. Which party are we talking about? I mean, I know four years is a long time in politics, but Jebus H Christ, it’s not ancient history, even so.
Facepalm indeed.
[Petty of me I know, but the picture in the OP: did they buy those grins from some weird mail order catalogue or other? Creepy as fuck!]
Yeah, I know. I can’t stand looking at it, literally makes me shudder.
Although, there’s always the famous Brown Smile™…
WTF? Sorry for the embed; I must’ve buggered the link up.
No, you didn’t do anything, Daz. I’m having serious video display problems since I switched over to Athena (the new computing machine), and I can’t figure out how to fix it. Gonna have to get help on this one, but expect videos to be haywire for the present.
Caine, I’ve been checking and it does it to any link containing a youtube URL. I’ve sent a message to tech support.
In the mean time, this should produce a clicky-link. Change the colon, slashes and dots to html entities like so:
… and you get:
I once read that if California were its own country it would be the 6th largest economy in the world. Now take out the East Coast and you have a nice little rural country where people keep being stupid out of lack of nutrients when they were still in their mommies’ bellies and at their teats because there’s no way you can sustain so many pregnancies on so little food.
At the risk of posting an utter triviality, I note that the abbreviations for RightWingWatch above are consistently shown as RRW rather than RWW.
I guess I’m focusing on that to avoid vaporizing my brain thinking about the actual content of the Sunday Facepalm.
And it works inside a tag too.
<a href="">anchor-text</a>
Produces: anchor-text
Sorry, I’ll shut up now.
Oh man…
Okay, I got yours to go back to a link by finding a jetpack thing called shortcode being on, which I killed, and that restored your link, which works.
When I was busy setting up Athena, I was having mass problems with Firefox, so I had Hekate up too (old machine). Videos displayed normally on Hekate, but then sync went bugfuck, and screwed them up on her, too. Videos display correctly in the editor, visual and text, but they are all fucked up in a published post, the wrong size, with a ‘http’ hanging off the bottom left.
Fuckin’ A, I don’t have time for this nonsense. Thank you! I’ll get a post up to backchannel to see if anyone has been fiddling with the knobs and dials.
Oh hell, I’ll fix it. Thank you! My sometimes dyslexic brain, y’know.
Yep. California is still major agricultural, too. Combining Cal & NY would be one hell of a powerhouse economy, there’s no way the fascist states would be able to compete.
Let’s just list off all of the idiocy at play here, shall we?
-- Calling an ideology you disagree with a mental disorder is a rhetorical technique common to authoritarian regimes. The next step is usually to try to institutionalize those that disagree with you.
-- If the wingnuts actually were left to their own devices, what’s left of the US would just degenerate into a polluted, impoverished hellhole. Even now, the most conservative states in the union hardly look like models that the rest of the country should aspire to.
-- The Jesus freaks’ attitude towards refugees and immigrants just further proves that compassion and empathy are in no way provided by religion. Christianity is supposed to be, on paper, about love, generosity, and respect for human life. In practice, conservative Christians see nothing wrong with denying refuge to people fleeing war and poverty, or uprooting the lives of people who live here just because they didn’t fill out the right paperwork.
-- I’ve noticed something; conservatives have some fucked up priorities when it comes to free speech. Conservatives think that they have a constitutional right to harass people on social media and spew hate during college speaking engagements, but they also love using libel laws to silence their critics and passing legislation that criminalizes public protests.
It’s not paperwork, it’s being of a certain colour range, and having the nerve to not be xian.
It’s especially bad when the immigrants these fucksticks want to deport came here when they were so young that they don’t even know that they’re undocumented and have lived in the US for most of their lives.
Carl Gallups has an entry at the Encyclopedia of American Loons, where is he described as a “legendary internet kook” and (one of?) Whirl Nuts Dementedly’s “expert on evolution”. A snippet:
Rather unsurprisingly, he’s a birther, AGW-denier, et al. Sounds like a typical trum-prat “advisor”.
Hope Klayman defends himself! That means you’re almost certain to win…
The SPLC has a long report on Klayman:
He has a much shorter entry at the Encyclopedia of American Loons: