



These are the lies oil is spreading all over about us, especially out Dickinson way. We are not radical extremists. Indians are not busy body out-of-staters. Bad news, Mr. Oil, we were here first. We are not, and have not been violent in any way. Indians can’t be violent, it would be the excuse to finish the genocide.

Out of staters are more than welcome! Everyone is welcome! (Well, no fuckin’ feds. No guns. No alcohol.) Join us! Help us! Stand with us, fight. Fight for our rights to say no. We have a right to safety, to clean water, to healthy land. We stand. We resist. Boost the signal, every and any platform. Donate if you can, supplies, a few dollars, your wireless signal for a few moments, whatever you can do. We have the ability to stand strong. We have the ability to fight for our land, our earth, our water, our people, all people, everywhere. We can stand against corporations and greed. Rise!

#MattRemle#Honor the Earth#ProtectorsNOTProtestersSacred Stone CampLegal Defense Fund. Want a hoodie? (Winter’s coming, stock up!)


  1. says

    I know it’s just my broken mind but when I saw the sign the guy’s carrying in the top picture, “The sleeper is awakened” I immediately pictured great Cthulhu eating a load of state troopers.

  2. says

    You can get that awesome state trooper eater on a really nice hoodie. :D And I probably shouldn’t say, but that would work for me. Dalrymple, cops, oil people are all spreading lies as fast as they can.

  3. says

    We are not radical extremists.

    I’m afraid but praying anywhere bit the shrine of the holy oil and dollar, caring for water and the future, fighting for people who might not be you makes you radical extremists.
    Says more about the status quo than you, though…

  4. Ice Swimmer says

    To paraphrase a song (original lyrics by Pentti Saarikoski):

    We didn’t choose the cause,
    the cause chose us.
    We didn’t choose to fight
    the fight came to us and now we’re in it.

  5. Lofty says

    Wouldn’t it be nice to get a whole bunch of electric car owners up there, Musk even, all with notices on their vehicles to the effect of “Bugger off, Big Oil, you’ve lost already”. With the predicted swing to electric cars, the pipeline will be worth zip in a few years time anyway.

  6. says


    I’m afraid but praying anywhere bit the shrine of the holy oil and dollar, caring for water and the future, fighting for people who might not be you makes you radical extremists.

    Yeah, to oil we are. To them, anyone not bowing and scraping over the blessing of oil is one. Oh, and the “foreign out of staters”? Yeah, from next door, in Minnesota and South Dakota. Geez.

    Ice Swimmer:

    We didn’t choose the cause,
    the cause chose us.
    We didn’t choose to fight
    the fight came to us and now we’re in it.

    Perfect. Says everything.


    Wouldn’t it be nice to get a whole bunch of electric car owners up there, Musk even, all with notices on their vehicles to the effect of “Bugger off, Big Oil, you’ve lost already”. With the predicted swing to electric cars, the pipeline will be worth zip in a few years time anyway.

    Yeah, it would! I’ve been reading about some countries considering outlawing petroleum based vehicles. That won’t happen here, one thing you can be sure of, when the rest of the world has converted to electric, the States will be grimly hanging tight to oil, just like the refusal to go metric.

    The whole damn thing will go bust anyway, and it is going to be tar sand, so the risks are seriously elevated.

  7. Patricia Phillips says

    “They are only thinking of today”. That is something that has been really bugging me about Corporate ‘Merika’s thinking over all -- most of them are obsessed with maximizing profit today, this quarter. They’ll worry about next quarter when it gets here. And even if the CEO and his board crashes and burns a company into bankruptcy, it doesn’t matter to them -- their pockets will be lined with $. They can move on to the next corporate board and do it all again. They don’t care about who or what gets hurt or destroyed along the way.

    Awhile back I read an interesting book by a northern Ojibway man, Basil Johnston I think is his name. He wrote about Ojibway culture and stories. One I found very fascinating and frightening is the story of the Wendigo -- it’s a cannibal spirit. In the old stories, it is a creature of hunger, fear, and terror. It’s a cannibal that can never be satisfied -- the more it eats the more it wants. I have been thinking it is an apropos image for Big Oil and much of the rest of Corporate America and the 1% -- they suffer from a bad case of Wendigo sickness. Not for literally eating human flesh, like Jeffrey Dahmer (well,to my knowledge anyway). But they do suffer from unchecked greed -- the more they have, the more they can get, the more they want want want. No amount of wealth or power can ever be enough. Who gets hurt, what gets destroyed, even destroying things to the point of making the environment unlivable for the human race doesn’t seem to matter to them. They want. Now. Want! How the hell can we ever break our whole national society, economy and politics out of this madness? I have no idea.

  8. says


    Awhile back I read an interesting book by a northern Ojibway man, Basil Johnston I think is his name. He wrote about Ojibway culture and stories. One I found very fascinating and frightening is the story of the Wendigo – it’s a cannibal spirit. In the old stories, it is a creature of hunger, fear, and terror. It’s a cannibal that can never be satisfied – the more it eats the more it wants. I have been thinking it is an apropos image for Big Oil and much of the rest of Corporate America and the 1% – they suffer from a bad case of Wendigo sickness. Not for literally eating human flesh,

    Wendigo encapsulates it perfectly. One of my fave movies, Ravenous, is based on Wendigo. As for not being literal, I don’t know. Peter Thiel and other obscenely rich people think the blood of young people can magically extend their lives. I think that’s Wendigo, yeah?

  9. Patricia Phillips says

    Oof my 1st version of the comment got eaten! Kind of appropriate, now that I think about it…hah!

    As for Theil, what an awful human being he is. When I first heard that news story about the transfusions, the initial image that popped into my head was of Elizabeth Bathory, the “Blood Countess”, who per legend anyway allegedly bathed in the blood of virgins to stay young. Certainly what Theil is doing is nowhere near as extreme and bizarre, but there is something hopelessly vampiric (and greedy) at the idea of this. So of course a charming fellow like Theil is enthusiastic! Aieee!

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