Goals of Experimentation with mind control technology on civilians by the DoD: “The continuous search for the most efficient weapon to destroy, control or disable the human mind — without the need of direct physical contact and being thousands of miles away from the target — has become the main objective of the agencies [Saboya de Santa Cruz Abreu, Felipe].”
I have never believed anything that has remotely sounded conspiratorial. This all changed after hearing someone’s personal story of being a targeted individual of mind control technology. No, this is not science fiction. I have come to believe that those who use the phrase conspiracy theory in a derogatory way are not critical thinkers but instead do so to avoid negative associations. After all, it is the crazies who believe in them. This line of thought only discourages institutional analysis. And this is exactly what the DoD takes advantage of. They have a history of human right violations, and they commit these in secrecy. Thus, the department of defense by definition is conspiratorial. They cloak it in national security, but it is never justified to conduct unconsensual experiments on civilians.
Mind Control
Mind control is any tactic or technology used to influence and ultimately control another person’s thoughts, feelings, or behavior. The DoD has had an obsession with mind control technology and tactics since the 1950’s (see here). Think about the possibilities if you could control an individual’s beliefs, dreams, and ultimately their behavior. But how do we know that mind control weapons are being used? Because the effects that we observe on targeted individuals are what experts confirm to be from synthetic electronic telepathy, directed energy weapons, and V2K (pulsed microwaves). The TI’s shared symptomatology of unique symptoms that do not resemble a mental illness in many respects constitutes as strong evidence in favor of mind control weaponry.
Evidence of Technology
- a shared symptomatology of thousands of individuals across the globe
- the likelihood that these symptoms that are shared across all of the individuals that often occur at specific times is very unlikely to be manifestations of a mental illness; it is much more probable that there is a common source that is known to produce these symptoms.
- It has been documented that there are specific phases of the experiment. These phases correspond exactly to the experiences of all of the targeted individuals.
- “Targeted individuals are experiencing a form of experimentation that follows a progression of phases that include selection, surveillance, stalking, defamation, attack, and monitoring [3].”
- There are experts who have either worked on mind control technology or are familiar with its effects come forward claiming that these are being used to target civilians (Mark Phillips, Robert Duncan, Bryan Kofron, and others).
- There are patents available for components of the technology that have become weaponized for use on human targets (see here).
- Medical professionals have come forward claiming that targeted individuals do not have mental illnesses but instead are experiencing attacks from microwaves (Dr. Robertson, Dr. Hall, and Dr. David Relman)
We need to clear up misconceptions about conspiracy theories, being conditioned by our society to believe mind control is science fiction, the quality of evidence, and what it entails to be a targeted individual.
- Conspiracies are concealed plans coordinated by two or more people that are either harmful or illegal. DoD does many of its activities in secrecy often in the name of national defense. They also have a history of performing experiments on civilians. Although, for example, they have claimed that their mind control project MKULTRA was terminated, this has been confirmed by many to be false. The project was shifted around and given different names with new budgets. By believing that conspiracies are for crazy people, you are allowing many to get away with them. The latest project is MKULTRA 2.0. Furthermore, mind control is no longer science fiction. The technology remains classified, but there are hints of it in mainstream. The company Meta (formally Facebook), for example, can now read certain aspects of your mind through EEG technology which will be incorporated in their virtual reality devices. Researchers can also read your mind through either EEG or fMRI. A picture that we visualize, for example, can be rendered quite accurately by a computer with the aid of Artificial Intelligence.
- Targeted individuals do not have to be associated with the government or military. These victims were selected with a bias towards TI’s living alone and having a substance abuse problem. For example, TI’s can include individuals, such as Myron May who was a lawyer, and there are some TI’s who have mental disabilities and live in poverty. Many TI’s believe that they were targeted for a reason like being advocates for human rights or who have been dissenters. Although this may be true for a few, a majority of these people were picked in a way to obtain a representative sample of the population. This will assist the DoD with understanding how the technology will work on say various personalities, intelligences, and socioeconomic backgrounds.
- The idea that there is no evidence has come up often. Of course we will never see the perpetrators using the equipment nor will we observe the equipment itself. This is because experimenting on civilians violates our constitutional rights, is done covertly, and his highly classified. Thus, the evidence must be indirect. See above for the indirect evidence. It is worth noting that physicists often never actually observe the source of their observations. They instead observe the effects of the source. So they are positing an unknown source as an explanation for their observations. This is exactly what we are doing here when we use the victims symptoms as evidence for mind control weapons.
- The motive of an individual or group of people is important in a court of law to determine culpability. Why would the DoD target individuals for experimentation? To answer the question of motive, we can acknowledge that the DoD has shown a track record of interest in mind control technology and there is evidence that the technology has been developed. This is sufficient to believe that there would naturally be a motive to test it. The only patents that we have are for the hearing effect (pulsed microwaves for voice to skull communication). The reason for so few is because the Invention Secrecy Act establishes that classified weapons are not eligible for patents. Patents do not prove that a device works, but this does not matter because the hearing effect has been thoroughly demonstrated to work. The only question that remains is how it is deployed in the field for a targeted individual. We will have to rely on what the experts say what the most probable application is.
- Why would the DoD test on civilians? According to Dr. Robert Duncan, who has helped design the technology, the DoD needs a representative sample of individuals to test on. This means that they need a distribution of individuals who have different types of personalities and backgrounds. The technology of mind control must take into account how an individual will respond. Out of the thousands of TI’s interviewed, however, there are a disproportionate number of victims who live alone in apartments and many of them have substance abuse problems. These two facts indicate to Dr. Hall that there is a selection bias that serves their interests. Ideally, they would need the individuals to be alone in order to engage them with the technology. As far as substance abuse, this may be an outcome of coping with being targeted or the DoD has intentionally targeted these individuals. Since the medical community by default diagnosis TI’s who also have substance abuse problems with psychosis, the DoD can disguise their activity. They disguise it because the symptoms of TI’s from the mind control technology in some respects mimic the symptoms of psychosis.
The Technology
I will discuss two technologies that are certain to be used on the targeted individuals, namely directed energy and voice-to-skull (microwave hearing effect). These are well established technologies, and there is not only patents for their design through the US Army and Air-force but research articles on their application. And many have come forward to discuss how they work.
Directed Energy Weapons
Directed Energy Weapons should not be controversial since they have been around for decades and have received media attention. The application that we hear about, however, is most likely to target an enemy’s equipment or infrastructure. The only information that we may have heard of regarding humans as targets is the Havana syndrome where diplomats were targeted with DEWs [1]. The type of weapon used was most likely a pulsed microwave although ultrasonic has been hypothesized too. Directed energy can be from various sources such as lasers, particle beams, microwaves, millimeters, and ULFRF [3]. They are used on targets to confuse or incapacitate them. The symptoms of getting a blast of pulsed microwaves are identical to what we observe in targeted individuals (see Symptoms of Directed Energy Weapons below).
There are two primary effects associated with DEWs and with all EMF in general, thermal and non-thermal effects. The goal is to disrupt normal physiological functioning. Do not confuse this with say the FCC testing of EMF who have concluded that there are no deleterious health effects associated with cellphone use. European researchers, however, report a myriad of unhealthy effects. In any case, cellphones typically do not exceed a power density of 2 mW/cm2 (microwave oven has a level of 5 mW/cm2) or exposure rate (SAR) of 1.6 W/kg. We can only speculate as to the exposure rates incurred by DEW on humans because little to no research is available. But it must be much higher (see the hearing effect for comparison) to induce physical symptoms. According to the Air-force, deleterious biological effects of microwave radiation can be experienced as low as 200 mW/cm2.
What about the evidence that these are in use on human targets? Should we expect there to be documented proof if we know their use is classified? We will have to base this on indirect evidence from the targeted individuals. The TI’s will describe in detail what it feels like, and it is always described as an “attack”. Although I will not get into counter arguments until the next post, it is important to note that these symptoms are the same in all TI’s. The likelihood that identical symptoms would be manifestations of a mental illness are extraordinarily low. This is because patients of delusional disorder, schizophrenia, and psychoses do not describe the content of their symptoms in an identical way. To be sure, there are shared themes between mental illnesses and TI’s, such as persecutory type symptoms, but the content of targeted individuals’ symptoms are identical.
The military knows how ELF or Extra Low Frequencies has an effect on the mind. It is possible to achieve a frequency as low as 1 Hz with electromagnetic waves. These are used to communicate with submarines because of their penetration capabilities. Subjects tested at 6 Hz would get emotionally upset, 8.2 Hz euphoric, and at 11.3 Hz would get depressed. Keep in mind that the waves penetrate the skull to reach the brain. This experiment gives clue to how the brain is receptive to electromagnetic waves.
Symptoms of Directed Energy Weapons: Sudden onset of intense, directional noise or pressure in the head, Dizziness and balance problems, Nausea and vomiting, Headache, Tinnitus (ringing in the ears), Vision disturbances (e.g., blurred vision, light sensitivity), Cognitive difficulties (e.g., memory problems, confusion and even incapacitation); Microwave Effects among which are biological changes on the cellular level, changes in brain chemistry and function, changes in cardiovascular function, creation of lesions within the eye, temporary incapacitation, and even death; Early research in microwaves also showed that low dosages over long periods could cause changes in the formation of cells in lung tissue and decreasing lung function; changes in calcium ions affecting brain and cell function; changes in blood chemistry; changes in immune system function, some favorable and others adverse;56 and increases in histamine production. In addition, microwaves have been able to produce performance-degrading effects [5].
Pulsed Microwaves
The microwave auditory effect is a scientific fact. Existing radar units can be modified to transmit a beam of pulsed microwave energy into anyone’s skull at ages ranging from 0.8 to 100 years, and across the planet, which causes sounds of any nature to be interpreted by the auditory cortex. The sounds, which appear to originate from inside, from above, or from behind the head, are transmitted to the inner ear through bone conduction [7].
I will be referencing a patent on an application of the hearing effect which can be found here. Although there are many patents for this, I chose this one because it does not require ancillary electronics to receive the pulsed microwave at the skull. This is the part that most do not believe even though the capacity to “hear voices” from microwaves has been a fact since 1974. So the hurdle is believing that the brain can act as a receiver to a signal. It does not require a demodulator built out of active and passive electronics.
In 1961, Dr. Frey established through his experiment that we can “hear” microwaves. This means that we have a sixth sense when pulsed microwaves are directed at our skull of frequency range 0.3 to 3 GHz with power densities of 0.4 to 2 mW/cm2 (2). Initially, Dr, Frey discovered that single pulses of microwaves can be heard as “pops” or “clicks” and a train of uniform pulses could be heard as a “buzz” [ 7]. There are two theories as far as how we can hear the sound from microwaves. The first one is through bone conduction while the second one is through thermo-elastic expansion of tissues in the brain. See below.
- The audio resulting from the demodulation of the microwave signal “projects” audible sounds captured by their inner ear that are propagated by bone conduction and natural resonance of the neurocranium.
- The proposed mechanism is through thermo-elastic expansion of tissues in the head that transmit an acoustic pressure wave to the cochlea (inner-ear). Once the cochlea receptors are stimulated, the sound is processed as it would be for normal hearing.
The following history of the “hearing effect” is described by Renee Pittman below. The sound is modulated on top of the microwave which is the carrier wave.
The voice to skull transmission was successfully demonstrated by Joseph Sharp for the first time in 1974. It was performed with Dr. James C. Lin’s pulsed microwave transmitter at the University of Utah at a seminar presented to the Engineering and Psychology faculties. The transmitter was then described in the American Psychologist journal in 1975. The experiment is based on the fact that a medium-to-high frequency microwave radar pulse can produce an audible click in the auditory cortex of a person who is resonating with the pulsed signal. This effect has been called “radar hearing” since World War II when it was first detected. In 1976, the Los Angeles Herald Examiner reported that the Soviets were also conducting extensive research on the microwave auditory effect. This issue was brought to the attention of the U.S. Defense and Intelligence Agency and it was described as “words that appeared to be originated from inside a person’s skull”. Dr. Joseph Sharp used a computer to produce a microwave radar pulse transmitted every time the speaker’s voice waveform oscillated, every time the sine wave crossed the zero reference in the negative direction. The voice was modulated into a new signal — into a microwave pulse capable of being demodulated by the brain.
The experimentation with the hearing effect is not classified. The application of the hearing effect to be used as a psychotronic weapon, however, is classified.
This experiment is neither secret nor classified; it’s available to the general public. On the other hand, the continuity of the experiment by the military, as an electromagnetic or psychotronic weapon, is in fact classified as Top Secret and is unavailable for public consultation these days.
Before we describe how the hearing effect works, we need to clarify the concepts of a receiver and transmitter. A receiver is anything that will convert an electrical or electromagnetic signal into a usable output while the transmitter does the opposite. Many are not aware that the brain can act as a receiver/transmitter and much more. In fact, the axons of the neuron act as a telegraph to send signals across the nervous system while the entire neuron can be modeled as a transistor and bones can be thought of as NPN junctions. Neurons’ axons have a voltage across them which conducts a signal from the dendrite to the axon. Since the charge is moving, an electromagnetic field is given off. Brain waves can be altered by the use of ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) waves. This becomes important when discussing how pulsed microwaves effect mood and behavior.
But how exactly does the brain act as a receiver for a pulsed microwave? The brain is the receiver that consists of brain tissue and bones that have certain inductances, capacitances, and resistances. The microwave pulse penetrates the skull and the brain tissue demodulates it through a process called heterodyning. Heterodyning is when a frequency is shifted to a more usable frequency range. In this case, the more usable frequency range is the audio signal that was modulated on the carrier frequency. The audio signal is picked up by the cochlea in the inner ear and will sound like someone is talking to you. To understand how no one else can pick up the signal, we must understand biometrics.
When neurons fire at the same frequency, then they produce brain waves (alpha, delta, etc.) which give an indication of the body’s physiological state. In the medical field, these signals can be detected by EEG. Behavioral output would be motor movement that can be tracked, such as our unique stride [8]. Both brain waves and behavioral outputs are unique to an individual. In other words, all of our brains have a biometric signature. These can all be tracked via computer which is referred to as the BCI or Brain Computer Interface. The computer resides at the handler’s station which will have an antenna to transmit and receive the signals. These signatures are referred to as neural biometrics. The human brain will have a signature that consists of the brain’s electrical activity at a resonant frequency range of 420 to 750 MHz. Since each person has unique brain activity, then this can be characterized beforehand. The operators will then know the precise frequency range to use for an individual.
Once the unique patterns are mapped, it’s possible to establish the set of frequencies that will interact with the target’s brain, delimiting the frequencies in the radio or microwave spectrum where demodulation will only occur in that specific brain. Thus, this target will exclusively be able to interact with the content sent over the waves in a set of personalized frequencies using SYNTELE, V2K and D2K. Other brains won’t undergo this interaction — they won’t demodulate the wave content. Some remnants or natural demodulation can be felt by other brains, but never in the intensity to which the target in question is subjected. The Neural Remote Biometrics will tell the systems which frequency range each mapped brain area of the victim is operating via Remote EEG, indicating to the system which set of frequencies to use [8].
The signals follow the set of frequencies that are exclusive to the target. Other people don’t hear the microwave sounds intended for the victim. This reinforces the target’s erratic behavior towards their relatives or close friends, as the signal is only demodulated when it encounters the numerical characteristics measured in their neural biometrics that was previously mapped before the attacks started. The audio resulting from the demodulation of the microwave signal “projects” audible sounds captured by their inner ear that are propagated by bone conduction and natural resonance of the neurocranium. Once your Neural Remote Biometrics is mapped you’ll be followed wherever you go in any part of the world, by satellites, terrestrial antennas and advanced AIs made exclusively to assist the technology of invasion, control, reading and torture of the mind (MKTECH). The frequencies of this mapping occur between 420 Mhz to 750 Mhz, which are the resonant bands of electrical activity in the human brain [8].
Below is a diagram of what the setup would look like if pulsed microwaves were beamed to a person’s head.
1) Internal antenna that communicates with more powerful external antennas, responsible for sending signals and amplifying them in the victim’s head using complex frequency combinations, signal cancellations and reradiation. 2) External radio or microwave antennas that emit and receive the signals resulting from this amplification. 3) Satellites relay the data captured over great distances; they also serve to locate the targeted individual anywhere in the world. Moreover, they actively participate in the process of amplifying thoughts. 4) Devices that decode all information received back to the internal antenna. The received signals are interpreted by an advanced system of a Brain–Computer Interface that displays the result of the target’s captured thoughts on the thief’s screen [8].
1) In an isolated remote position, torturers/operators prepare to attack. 2) Each operator chooses a microphone and consequently a channel on which they shout and speak whatever they want to satisfy their histrionic desires and reach the target’s mind using bad language. 3) The computer processes each voice channel according to the programming previously configured in the system. 4) An antenna sends the content transmission to a satellite, or to adjacent antennas, depending on the position of the target. 5) The satellite relays the attack to the target’s position. 6) The target is hit by the blast — the microwave pulse—, causing enormous emotional and physical pain and confusion, which degrades their mental health. The words that passed through the MKTECH channels are present in the content that was demodulated in the mind [8].
V2k [8] (3)
1) There are at least two individuals who have formally worked for the CIA with this technology that have come forward, namely Dr. Robert Duncan and Mark Phillips to discuss motives. They both share the belief that the ultimate goal of the DoD is to use mind control technology to control dissent and unruly crowds. They both disturbingly also claim that the endgame is “absolute control” of their own people.
2) To induce the hearing effect is not the same thing as hearing audio or voices from the operator. Much higher power densities are required for the latter, such as 500mW/cm2.
Known as the thermoelastic expansion theory, this idea suggests that upon absorption of RF energy, there is a small and quick rise in temperature (~10−6°C), which expands tissue, and launches an acoustic pressure wave, which is perceived in the cochlea, and then relayed to the central auditory system (106, 109, 110). The pulse of energy can be brief (<50 ms), but the peak power of the pulse must be strong enough to induce RF hearing (500–5,000 mW/cm2) (106, 109). Since this theory was originally proposed, additional experiments have been conducted to further characterize the ways in which RF hearing can be augmented, such as by increasing the microwave pulse width [3].
[0] Elder, J.A. Auditory Response to Pulsed Radiofrequency Energy
[1] Foster, Kenneth R. Frontiers in Public Health: Commentary: Can the microwave auditory effect be “weaponized”?
[2] Giordano, Dr. James. Directed Energy Remains Key Suspect Behind Havana Syndrome
[3] Hall, John. Guinea Pigs: Technologies of Control.
[4] Kofron , Bryan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8NCsuq5VcU&list=WL&index=5
[5] Knauf GM. The Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation on Air Force Personnel
[6] Miller, Richard Allen. Synthetic Telepathy.
[7] Pittman, Renee. Remote Brain Targeting: Evolution of Mind Control in USA – A Compilation of Historical Information Derived from Various Sources (Mind Control Technology Book Series 1)
[8] Saboya de Santa Cruz Abreu, Felipe. MKTECH Invasion and Mind Control Volume 1: The technology of invasion, control, reading and torture of the mind that will change humanity forever.
[9] Saboya de Santa Cruz Abreu, Felipe. MKTECH Invasion and Mind Control Volume 2: The technology of invasion, control, reading and torture of the mind that will change humanity forever.