I have a new column today on OnlySky. You can guess what it’s about.
Read the excerpt below, then click through to see the full piece. This column is free to read, but paid members of OnlySky get some extra perks, like a subscriber-only newsletter. I’m told that now everyone can post comments:
What now, for those of us who care? What should we do in response?
Should we plan on moving to another country? (But what country can truthfully say it’s free of bigotry, conspiracy theorists, cruel and selfish people, or would-be authoritarians? These aren’t American flaws, they’re human flaws.)
Should we go Galt—or whatever the liberal equivalent is called—and withdraw from society to build our own enclave of tolerance, decency and human rights? (But there’s an inconvenient shortage of handy mountain refuges with limitless free energy.)
Should we conclude that if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em? (I get nauseous just contemplating it.)
None of these responses are suitable. As hard as it is, there’s only one thing to do—only one course of action that’s thinkable.
Should we go Galt—or whatever the liberal equivalent is called—and withdraw from society to build our own enclave of tolerance, decency and human rights?
Well, there’s Democrat-ruled states we can move to and support. And there’s other states that show promising signs of turning Democratic, such as Virginia and North Carolina, maybe Georgia.
I don;t think this would be enough unless we also stopped business altogether with states that have consitantly voted MAGA.
Mr. Adam Lee,
Thank you for your words as always; whatever disagreements we have had in the past you always know what to say at key junctures such of this.
On the OnlySky copy of this article, I jumped onto your suggestion of “going Galt” for reasons that I had also considered solving this prob;em by allowing blue regions and the rest of the progressive world to strike and withdraw all acknowledgement and support from pro-Trump areas, with the end result being the clout necessary to reconstruct America once its economy suffers from the embargo. What would you say anyone trying to put this plan into effect?
I’ve seen (semi-serious?) suggestions that the Blue states secede or become part of Canada. It does seem awfully tempting and the idea of a “divorce” between the red and blue states was raised previously by the other side. MTG, if memory serves.
There does seem this huge irreconciliable set of differences in mindset that make sme think that might not be such a bad idea if it can be done peacefully, if people can flee the red states and get asylum in the blue ones and with the prospect of the USA reuniting once the red states have suffered enough due to their own wilful hateful ignorance and decide tthey actually want to rejoin the reasonable world nations with conmpetent, compassionate govt again. Hmmm.. Could it be done? . .
Going Galt? I see a problem, herding cats.
I can see your point, but we’re not trying to bind together a bunch of radical innovators. This would not be a utopia but rather a shelter for everyone who wishes to flee from Project 2025.
History says “going Galt” has been tried and failed very badly a few times already if memory serves. Pretty sure I’ve read that. Its too late at … early morning… now for me to check right now tho’.
I don’t think the Gestapotato of Oz, LNP “leader” Peter Dutton needed much encouragement but yeah, already :
Source : https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-11-11/donald-trump-election-woke-trans-lgbt-importing-policy-australia/104582960
Sadly we have our unfair share of wanna-be Trump’s using hateful trumpian tactics and keen to emulate their orange idol here already.
I have a decidedly bleak view of the situation. What I see is that we are now living in a fascist country. Like all fascist regimes this one will be unique. It will not play out quite like historical precedents. But make no mistake, we are in for it.
Consider what is in store for anyone the fascists do not like. Most prominently those the fascists deem to be ‘illegal’ or otherwise undesirable will be rounded up, placed in concentration camps, and deported.
Something tells me that “illegals” from Canada will not be in as much jeopardy as those from Mexico or Central America.
But anyone the fascists do not like is liable to be swept up and punished.
Secession would be nice but there is no chance. It is not practicable for many reasons. What to do with federal program like Social Security or Medicare? And fascist followers cannot easily be grouped by state. I live in WA state, a blue state, and yet, geographically, most of the state is right wing.
The judiciary, right wing religion, the legislature and oligarchs have united behind a sociopathic and darkly narcissistic cult leader and I call that fascism. Call it what you will but I see that as our current reality and I will do my best to cope as best I can.