
  1. Kengi says

    Grackle eyes can be so expressive. You catch them at different angles and they seem to display all kinds of different emotions.

    That lighting really is spectacular. So little contrast yet you brought out the colors so well.

  2. Saad says

    Whoa, that’s an angry face.

    Very nice shot and that subtle hint of color on it is beautiful.

  3. Ice Swimmer says

    Grackles have light irises and round pupils like jackdaws. I think that makes their eyes so expressive for us humans.

  4. blf says

    Is that a Tardis caught in the throat, or is the inner rat trying a novel escape route?

  5. says

    Thank you all! While Grackle colours blaze brilliantly in direct sun, I’ve always found the drama of their colouring comes out best in indirect light.

  6. blf says

    I’ve always found the drama of their colouring comes out best in indirect light.

    That’s code for From the refuge of the not-really-squish-proof bunker, I can’t see fecking all…

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