Abs of steel, ribs of glass?

I was worried I might have another heart complication, and there’s still a possibility something is amiss there. I see the cardiologist again on Thursday for more tests. But, as it turns out, the symptoms may be due to over activity: I’ve now lost a full 50 pounds since last Dec, plus gained probably five or six pounds of good lean muscle in the bargain. That didn’t happen by accident; at age 51, post heart surgery and suffering from a disabling form of rheumatoid arthritis, it’s a thin line to walk between healthy exercise and repetitive injury. [Read more…]

Join the Cruz bashing


My Paypal email is DarkSydOtheMoon-at-aol.com, thanks!

I’ll be out for most of the day for various errands and doc appointments, all of which I’m able to do thanks to several dozen of you who kicked in to help. I’m pretty much where I needed to get to, but a few more bucks would help more if anyone is so inclined.

Until I get done, bashing Ted Cruz has become a cottage industry this week and it sounds like he deserves it. So here’s some enjoyable links to join in the fun: Ted and me at TPM; The distinguished wacko bird from Texas at GQ; Some GOP Leaders Tee Up Cruz For Blame If There’s A Shutdown at VPR; and You cloture it, you buy it at the FW Business Press.

McConnell and Reid shiv Ted Cruz


My Paypal email is DarkSydOtheMoon-at-aol.com, thanks!

The more I see of Ted Cruz, the more I see a truly foul human being, the worst of the DC Teaparty posers, happy to wreck the nation for fun and personal profit. A man who pretends to be of the people and rags Obama as an elitist for attending Harvard, the same school Cruz attended, while rumors swirl from past classmates paint Cruz as an elitist snob who would not even associate with “non ivy league” college students.

But his McCarthy like approach to defunding Obamacare has been derailed in the Senate with the help of one Mitch McConnell, minority leader, who briefly emerged today like a frightened turtle to pull the levers on obscure Senate procedure: [Read more…]

This might not qualify as the end times


My Paypal email is DarkSydOtheMoon-at-aol.com, thanks!

Alright guys and gals, I’m about 150 now about 100 about 65 about 45 bucks shy of where I have to be. Only 45 dollars! If you can pitch in a buck or two above, please, I’m practically begging.

Most people know Yellowstone is an old super volcano caldera and is likely to erupt again sometime in the next half million years. It could be any time actually and since we’ve never seen a full blown super volcano get cranking, we don’t know if they spend years or centuries getting revved up, or if they can just cut loose and blow.

As super volcanoes go, Yellowstone is a garden variety disaster in the turbulent natural history of Earth. As far as what a major eruption would do to a fragile, present day civilization, it would be the end of the United States as we know it and the onset of a global climate catastrophe of Biblical proportion. So I keep on top of it, but it looks like this latest round of earthquake clusters might not be the end of the world some alarmists and snake oil salesman are touting: [Read more…]

Pope sets out to make social conservative heads explode


Paypal email is DarkSydOtheMoon-at-aol.com, thanks!

I don’t idolize money, I just don’t have enough to make through the next few weeks. Fortunately, a bunch of awesome readers have chipped in and I’m now only about 200 bucks away from enough to see me through. If you can join them with a small donation, thanks! Here in the US there is a thing called the prosperity Gospel, rife with scoundrels and conmen fleecing the devout. It’s all about how God-eh wants some to be rich, some to be middle-class, and many like me to be poor.

Pope Francis brought down the hammer on that shit this weekend, saying in part money sickens faith and is indeed a false idol: [Read more…]

The usual suspects want into your private parts and, now, under your hood


Over halfway there guys, paypal email is DarkSydOtheMoon-at-aol.com, thanks!

I’m very grateful to those who have chipped in to help get me through the next few weeks. I’m well over halfway to where I need to be. Here’s an example of the kind of obstacles people like me have to deal with. These clowns want to deny benefits to hungry people who can’t find jobs, and deny benefits to people because they’re frugal and own a functional vehicle: [Read more…]

Sunday school for atheists: James 5


Over halfway there guys, paypal email is DarkSydOtheMoon-at-aol.com, thanks!

The Epistle of James is an interesting read even though scholars cannot agree on when exactly it was written and there is some debate about who James was; some arguing he may have been Christ’s younger brother. But most agree it was written shortly after Christ’s crucifixion and eventually some parts were included in the New Testament, as the Bible was developed more toward its modern form throughout the third century.

The Book of James includes warnings about fanaticism, ceremony and formalism over good grassroots faith, the corruption of wealth and the oppression of labor. Here’s some context for the latter: [Read more…]

2 Thessalonians 3:10: He who will not work will not eat


Thanks guys and gals, my Paypal email is DarkSydOtheMoon – at – aol dot-com.


I work, I just don’t get paid shit, hence this weeks bleg above, the smallest donation is gratefully appreciated. You may have heard of folks in Congress parroting those words in the title to justify cutting billions from food stamps. One of them is Stephen Fincher (R-Hypocrite) who somewhat started the practice back in May, and who incidentally received more than $70,000 in farm subsidies in 2012 alone and has racked up over $3 million in taxpayer loot in the last decade. He’s not alone on that score either, there are a dozen more lfundie House hypocrites on the dole just like him. Of course, most of those who receive food stamps or who are eligible do work or are children.

But does it even mean what the congressman thinks it does? Here’s some context [Read more…]

All the atheists in Congress


Almost halfway there. Paypal email DarkSydOtheMoon-at-aol/dot-com.

HuffPo has a funny piece up promising a pic of all the atheists in Congress. It goes to a video of a cat. Which is why you should kick in a few bucks to that Paypal logo up there and send me to Congress to clean the woo up! allow me to blog another month and bitch about it. But the article did show one courageous congressman has outed himself: [Read more…]

The Horror! He only makes a $172,000 a year …


Thanks guys and gals, my Paypal email is DarkSydOtheMoon – at – aol dot-com.

So while I’m desperately begging readers this weekend for small dollar donations, to keep from getting my utilities shut off at the end of this month, this clown, who is worth three million dollars, has the grapes to whine about his taxpayer-paid salary of $172,000 200k a year plus comprehensive healthcare. That would be Philip Gingrey (R-Asshole) way down south in the land of Dixie and he did’;t even get the basic salary right: [Read more…]