Hubble spys supermassive center of Milky Way

This NASA Hubble Space Telescope infrared mosaic image represents the sharpest survey of the Galactic Center to date.

You’re staring straight into the churning heart of our Milky Way galaxy, right through the “teapot” in the constellation Sagittarius, as revealed by infrared light and Mr Hubble’s Space Telescope. Click image for HST homepage. Image description below the fold. [Read more…]

Moonie Times lies about future of NASA

I could smell bullshit the moment this headline popped up in my news stories: Obama Prepares to Blast NASA! What followed was a meandering screed in the Washington Times by Robert Zubrin about unmanned planetary science missions, and the evil ursurper sitting in the Oval Office who was secretly scheming to end it all. I guess it should come as no surprise that Rev Moon’s propaganda rag was fabricating and spreading more wingnut whoppers: [Read more…]

Do Christians know how bad Bryan Fischer makes them look?

Sweet Jesus, that long-haired radical who upset every rich guy from Rome to Judea by running about the Middle East preaching the wealthy and powerful better start caring about the masses if they wanna go up to heaven, was actually a violent thug hell-bent on preserving the economic injustice of his time and ours. At least according to classhole Bryan Fischer: [Read more…]

Ken Blackwell mangles science on Hardball

If you know of uber right-wing warrior Ken Blackwell then you know that headline above reads like dog-bites-man. Blackwell was at it again on MSNBC’s Hardball Thursday evening, shilling for a personhood measure called Initiative 26 in Mississippi, where he tried to talk about the science of human development. Surprise! He mangles it hopelessly. Blackwell stated scientists — and the American people — recognize that, at the moment of fertilization, a human being is created. Some people may be divided on this. Science is not. [Read more…]

Bad news for planetary exploration?

I’m working on better info, but considering the source, this article by Robert Zubrin in the Moonie Times, titled “Obama readies to blast NASA,” has all the hallmarks of a politically motivated hit piece:

The ostensible reason for the administration’s decision to kill planetary exploration and space astronomy is budgetary discipline. Yet while federal spending has grown 40 percent since 2008, NASA’s funding has remained virtually the same. It is not NASA that is bankrupting America, but OMB. If the administration needs to cut budgets, it should start with those of the regulatory agencies that are strangling the nation’s businesses …