This thing of ours

I want to thank all of you who helped make October the best month ever for Zingularity and a huge success for FreeThoughtBlogs. Zingularity recorded just shy of 80,000 page views, a 50% increase over last month. FreeThoughtBlogs came in just under 5 million hits. I can’t think of any other site in the last two years that has had that kind of blockbuster start followed by almost exponentiual growth. It suggests to me we are building a solid brand and, best of all, that there’s a real appetite for healthy skepticism and legit science.

China to US: We know NOTHING about sat hacking

Landsat 7 shecmatic, similar to one of the satellites that may have been hacked

Officials have responded to a story leaked from a NASA report last week about a satellite that was hacked, and speculations of Chinese involvement:

Speaking at a news briefing today, China Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said claims that China was behind the hacks, which occurred in 2007 and 2008, are “untrue.” The spokesman added, according to Reuters, which attended the briefing, that China is “also a victim of hacking attacks and will oppose any form of cybercrime, including hacking.”

Watts Watch: Ira Glickstein, liar or scare-crow?

Results from the Berkeley Earth project data fits existing NASA and NOAA temperature records like a glove

I told you so! Writing at Watts Up With That, Ira Glickstein — excuse me, Doctor Glickstein as he conspicuously attached a Ph. D. to his user name — eagerly sleds right down the slippery slope I mentioned yesterday to conflate snow with evidence against global warming. [Read more…]