GOP to Akin: You are screwing up our agenda to screw over women

So Paul forcible-rape Ryan and friends called on Todd legitimate-rape Akin to drop out of the race. Otherwise, their plans to cut further taxes on conservative zillionaires by fucking over women will be endangered by Akin’s untimely quip about one branch of wingnut pseudoscience used to fuck over women. So far Akin has declined to drop out, and if he does the evangelical base will be miffed. Which means, today, we get to enjoy watching this unholy junta once known as the Republican Party teeter on the edge of a long coming and well deserved collapse. [Read more…]

Todd Akin sits on the House Science Committee

It’s amazing, and yet all too predictable. Rep Todd Akin, the same guy who seems to have bought into wingnut pseudoscience that insists women who are raped can somehow selectively prevent or abort any resulting pregnancy, sits on the House freaking Science Committee. And the good news is, he may stay there, because his bid to win a Missouri senate seat is in real peril now: [Read more…]

It’s “God’s shield”

Update: The WH responds  and it’s good to see dems hitting the GOP over the head with their own culture war club.

Akin’s comment in which he accidentally told what he really thinks, known in teaparty circles as misspeaking, didn’t come out of nowhere. Just as teajihadists have their own creationist pseudo-biology and their own evangelical pseudo-history, they also have their own reproductive pseudoscience in which rape victims can’t get pregnant. You know, if it’s a legitimate rape and not some loose ungodly slut lying about getting her rockettes off: [Read more…]

Romney to Founding Fathers: You didn’t build that

Speaking in front of a dazed and confused grassroots conservative crowd today, Mitt Romney waded into the usual rhetorical gumbo so favored by the right, saying that America was the best economy in the world because of our freedom, and he mentioned that good ole chestnut, ‘rights don’t come from government, they come from God-eh’! Now, elementary logic here: [Read more…]

Texas, August, Hell & Reprieve

Texas in August, it’s a bleak, sizzling time of year. There’s really nothing good about it. After 90 days of blistering sun even local lakes and swimming pools are reaching for near body temperature. Short of a few springs and river bottoms stirred up by turnover or dams,  there’s no relief outside of air-conditioned shelters or a nice walk in freezer. And forget anything you’ve heard about a “dry heat.” Once the temp gets uncomfortably above a 100 degrees, it doesn’t matter that much how dry it is, it quickly gets hot enough to kill a person in direct sunlight in as little as an hour or two if they aren’t used to it. [Read more…]

I paid way more in taxes than Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney seemed proud, proud I say, that he paid “about 13% in taxes”. We have no way to know if that’s true or not, nor is it clear what taxes on what income he is referring to. Does that mean income taxes, did he include state taxes, was sales tax somehow factored in, perhaps he didn’t include any comp that ended up in his $100 million IRA as income? Or, seeing as Mittens has lied about his taxes before and been stone cold busted, it could be complete bullshit through and through. But here’s the thing, even if it’s true, I pay more income taxes percentage wise than Romney. Odds are so do you. [Read more…]