Mars rocks and rolls

There’s a bit of a lively debate in geology about tectonic plates and how rare or common they may be. Since earth is the only planet we’ve studied in-depth, the winners of that debate are yet to be announced. But one geophysicist has found evidence for nascent plate tectonics on a certain nearby world, and the evidence was there all along: [Read more…]

Hollow rocks

A strange phenomenon is underway in the south Pacific off the coast of New Zealand. Rocks, lots and lots of rocks, but they’re floating! Could this be the end of the world, are the four horsemen saddling up to reap our divine souls? No, there’s a less dramatic, but nevertheless fascinating explanation: [Read more…]

Suddenly there’s a bunch of articles about atheism …

Yeap, all over the news sites, atheism turns up hundreds of hits today alone instead of the paltry dozen or so over the last week it usually does. But they’re all the same and we have Paul Ryan to thank for this. Like most Kochwhores these days, Ryan professes admiration for the fictional characters in an old novel called Atlas Shrugged. With one notable clarification: [Read more…]

BTW, I got a raise!

In all the excitement of another wingnut sociopath slotted for the Republican VP, I almost forgot my big news. I got a raise! It took a year and half to earn, I had to do the work before getting the money, and then it got dragged out for some inexplicable reasons that kept me doing that work without getting the raise for months, big coinkindink I know. But after ranking at number one or number two, time and time again, month after long month, I finally got it! I now officially make right around … [Read more…]

Romney has a shiny new VP

Regular Joe Paul Ryan eating din-din with two zillionaire conservatives enjoying a $350 bottle of wine in DC. Yeah, America needs THIS guy …

Team Romney has flipped the game board and rolled out their VP pick early. There’ll be a bunch of articles coming out on Paul Ryan and his Medicare killing plan. No one can say the exact reasons, but one thing we can infer: Team Romney must have seen the same trends in their internal data that’s been reported widely over the last few weeks showing Romney losing ground nationally and in key states. That makes this is a somewhat desperate hail Mary throw toward the end zone. [Read more…]

Update on the spider bites

I just got back from visiting with the friend I briefly mentioned earlier. For those of you who didn’t catch it, she was bitten by a brown recluse in two places. These were classic recluse bites, I would say based on what I’ve since read and seen online, there were signs of clear and pronounced envenomation. Like clockwork the bite sites enlarged and burst into widening wounds, by the weekend they were weeping, angry red holes in her flesh almost the size of a silver dollar and on the verge of revealing underlying fascia. She doesn’t have health insurance, she was laid off some time ago, her resources are drying up quickly. There’s not a good time for this to happen, but there is a terrible time and this was it. [Read more…]