Jerry Coyne has a blog

I know! It’s hard to believe! Why, any of the riff-raff can just charge in and start a blog anymore. You write a book or a few, do some internationally recognized research in evolution, and suddenly you get cocky and think you have the talent to write a blog. Back in the day when I started in this, I had to struggle with none of that. And I liked it!

Despite his awesome handicaps, it is a pretty good blog.

I especially like this image from his book, Why Evolution is True(amzn/b&n/abe/pwll):

So…no transitional forms, huh? Look at that australopithecine between modern Homo and Pan. It’s definitely not a chimp — the pelvis alone would tell you that — yet it’s also definitely far from fully human. Very cool.

Tales for the pharyngulators

Way back in early January, I suggested that we vote for one of the Countess’s horror stories in an online contest. You will be pleased to hear that she won “Best Short Horror Story”!

You may recall that I also suggested that she reward Pharyngula’s participation with a little story of our own, so now her horror story begins — she’ll need to write something for the vicious, bloodthirsty, brutally critical audience here. There’s no hurry, of course, but I’ll let you all know when she comes through for us. Maybe it will be something with a beautiful princess, and a pony, and cephalopods, and ancient bones, and grisly atheists, or something.

Oh, no, another goodbye

We’re losing Evolgen now, so say farewell. It looks like a combination of general burnout and the fact that he’s a young guy on a career track, and this is a time of transition, when he’s leaving his post-doc and looking for a real position. And as you all know, this isn’t the best of times to be trying to secure a job, so as he mentioned in a private communication*, he has to keep his options open in case the only openings are at Biola, Liberty, and the Discovery Institute.

*Those of you who have met RPM know that his real expertise is in sarcasm. Oh, and drunk karaoke.