A guy named David Shakespeare has a complaint.
I wonder sometimes! I wonder why this website has ads that fill up the lower window of your webpage
To pay for the server, and give a few bucks to the writers, obviously. You might also notice that there’s a link up on the top left of the page that says GET FTB AD-FREE. You don’t get to complain about the ads when we have an option to support the network while ditching all the ads.
Also, I don’t particularly like the ads either.
that show huge breasts, busty celebs, and loaded sexual innuendo
Oh, really? I get ads that say Easiest Way to “Remove” Wrinkles
, 1 Fruit That “Destroys” Diabetes
, New 20/20 Vision Breakthrough Leaves Optometrists Speechless
, and Watch: Alzheimer’s Reversal “Cocktail” Changing Lives
. I think the ad company has noticed that I’m ancient and wizened. What is it inferring about you?
But here’s a hot tip: at the bottom right of that block of ads, there’s a little note that says “Paid content” with a question mark. If you click on that, you’ll get an option to show only “family-friendly” ads! Don’t say I never did nothin’ for you. You have the power to make those huge breasts transform into ads for wrinkle cream.
Actually, I blame you for the ads. Because David Shakespeare is not pulling his weight to support a site he clearly reads, we’ve got to run ads to keep the lights on. (It’s OK if you can’t afford or would rather not pay for a subscription…but then, you don’t get to complain that we have ads.)
—all this—all the while demonizing Richard Carrier
What “demonizing”? I rather regret that we couldn’t get to the bottom of those accusations — but he quit when all we’d done is start an inquiry.
for lude behavior via accusation!
We were not inquiring into lude
behavior. There were accusations of harassment. That’s serious, and we weren’t going to just pretend that nothing happened.
What’s the world coming too?! My goodness,
OK, Ward Cleaver, the disingenuousness is already getting old. Grow up.
and the double standard,
What double standard? No one here is opposed to sexual behavior. We’re concerned about sexual behavior without consent.
along with the ‘so-called’ contempt of Carrier over the accusers…
You’re not making any sense now. I also don’t have contempt
for Carrier, but quite like him personally, and respect his work…but if we’re getting concerns about problematic behavior, we’re not going to sweep it under the rug.
What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Double standards on both ends of this argument.
First, this was not a legal proceeding; nobody had dragged him into court. Secondly, we hadn’t assumed guilt at all — we were in the process of investigating some troubling accusations. If this were a court case (and it wasn’t), you’re arguing that you can’t even try someone with due process because that’s a violation of the principle of innocent until proven guilty.
Golly gee willikers, David Shakespeare! You’re a foolish little troll. Now fuck off.
I get a lot of snide, ignorant notes like this, all making the same complaints. I’m beginning to suspect there’s a troll factory somewhere that stamps stupid ideas into the heads of dull, unimaginative people.