Holy crap. You think you’ve plumbed the depths of the Internet, and then you find a Christian making sandwich sculptures of her daughters’ crotches and sneering at Taylor Swift’s labia.
The reason I preach #Christianity. My daughters represent the right. Taylor Swift's vagina represents the left. pic.twitter.com/4blQ5FrTJo
— Jennifer Mayers (@southern_mayers) June 16, 2016
Taylor Swift hasn’t had any nude photos published, has she, so how does she know? And what’s wrong with the sandwich on the left? This is weird, ignorant body shaming and using anatomy as a proxy for piety.
She sucked me in. I had to look at this woman’s web site: An Elegant Life by Jennifer: Spreading Positivity through Jesus Christ
. You may be thinking that her sandwich art is neither elegant nor positive, and this is pretty repellent stuff. But that’s because you haven’t read the other stuff she writes.
It’s worse.
Her latest post accuses Alton Sterling of being a thug
, because of course she does. But my eyes were drawn to her “science” post, about something called Black Dog Syndrome
Hi friends. I was pondering over news articles earlier and came across a phenomenon called “Black Dog Syndrome” or BBD. It’s a theory that black dogs, and other animals of the negro tone, are more often passed over for adoption in favor of lighter colored animals. So I ask, are humans next? Are we doing this already? I think so.
It’s science. If I were to look at a black animal (or human) and have to choose between them or a lighter more attractive animal (or human) next to them, I am going to choose the latter. Every single time.
I catch a lot of grief for my beliefs and am often called a racist and a bigot, but how can you deny science? I am not a huge lover of animals, but more black animals are rejected and euthanized before lighter colored ones. This is a scientific fact. So why not humans? The color of an animals coat makes them less likely to be accepted and therefore disposed of. How is this different than humans? Black skin is seen as inferior. We look down at it, and in my opinion rightfully so.
She’s so racist, she picks her pets by their fur color? It’s not science that some people are so down and dirty bigoted, I’m afraid.
Signs you might be a bigot and a racist.
Also, poor daughters.
If anyone needs me, I’ll be over here in the corner trying to scrub my own skin off with wire wool…
This person is deeply creepy…
So, the more sexual activity a woman allegedly has, the larger her labia?
Evidence, please?
Furthermore, evidently Christian “purity” prevents the horror of large vulva, but it does nothing to keep you from being crude and vulgar?
Awwwww. Poor baby.
It wouldn’t surprise me if this clod would endorse female “circumcision.”
Words fail me.
Christians? Maybe.
Misogynists? Definitely.
Racists? Definitely.
I hope she doesn’t have any sons. I don’t want to see her reconstruction using hotdogs of how their manhood compares vs. those of promiscuous hotdogs.
So apparently…
coffee > tea
milk chocolate > dark chocolate
stormtrooper > Darth Vader
Rice Krispies > Count Chocula
I’m not so sure about some of those.
Huh, it’s… creative. In the sense that she made something.
As for her racism, people should really be more PC about bigots’ bigotry. They don’t appreciate being called a racist or bigot just because they’re racist or bigoted. Think of their fee-fees!
I was under the impression that site was possibly a parody…? It least I’ve seen that suggested here based on another equally racist post, and seen it somewhere else too (can’t remember where). Of course if it’s real…Jesus.
If offered the choice, I think I would take the sandwich with more meat. What can I say, I’m hungry.
Huh, that’s the problem and beauty of parody on the internet. Who can know for sure whether it’s genuine or not?
I don’t think anyone should care whether it’s parody or not, it’s disgusting either way. Taylor Swift is a real person and strangers on the internet should not be speculating about her genitalia or creating models purportedly thereof.
I’m not sure whether to be amused or horrified at the idea that some creeper somewhere might try to google for indecent pictures of her in future and find a sandwich, though.
Science Daily: No evidence found for ‘black dog syndrome’
Found in a search result list consisting of mostly uncritically-accepting articles, fwiw.
I suspect, as some others apparently do, that this “Jennifer” is a troll account, meant to get people riled up. Was on the fence about it until the “no race mixing” tweet, which seems clearly meant to upset people.
That picture has been the source of many “memes” for a few years now.
When will people finally accept that yes, there are many people who hold those disgusting views and that no, they are not ashamed to express them?
Just another shining example of what Gandhi complained of when he said, “I love your Christ, but I dislike your Christianity”.
Telling though is, her intimate familiarity with her daughter’s vulva. That’s something rather unusual after infancy. That she further has some fascination with a rock music star’s vulva is also rather suggestive.
I’ve known a lot of people who have been emotionally abused over the size and shape of their labia, so I really don’t give a fuck if that’s supposed to be parody. If a parody of slut shaming and body shaming is indistinguishable from the real thing, guess what? It does the exact same harm as the real thing.
One of the things we learned in studying the sociology of the media was that portraying racism and other biases in movies and television shows, even when the aim was to show how they were wrong, ended up reinforcing those viewpoints in those who already shared them.
Parody doesn’t typically change any minds. It’s not an excuse or a good explanation. This is harmful, hurtful bullshit, whether it’s sincere or not.
The color of an animals coat makes them less likely to be accepted and therefore disposed of. How is this different than humans?
Where is she going with this line of reasoning? Auschwitz?
Hey PZ: just in case you’re not already aware, there appears to be another blog re-hosting your content. They do give you credit and link back to your site at least.
I need to clean my mind. Does anyone have a trepanation kit and some high molarity acid I can borrow?
The writing style screams Landover to me. Is it possible she’s real? Sure. But I would bet real money she’s not.
Parody or not, Imma weigh in with a little science and a little anecdotal talk. The science is about genital labia (our lips are also labia, and I can see many jokes in the air, but I won’t start them). Inner labia structure is widely variable, as the Christian would know if she got out more. Since I worked for the federal family planning program for several years, I saw a LOT of them. They can be smooth and short, all the way to long and very ruffled. Both sammiches are within normal limits.
Anecdotal non-evidence from being a cat socializer/behaviorist for a shelter regarding black dog syndrome: never seen it. No one rejected black dogs, and all-black dogs aren’t the commonest color, anyway, so nearly all of the unadopted dogs I see are some shade of blonde-to-brown. However, black cat syndrome (never heard it called that) does exist, and black is a very common fur color in the species, even in the wild. Every shelter I’ve talked to, in many parts of the country, has the same difficulty in adopting out black cats. This isn’t due to racism, obviously, it’s due to superstition. I was shocked when I first starting doing this work at how many people – most of whom claim not to be superstitious – get the willies over black cats. “He looks mean,” they say, while a little six-week-old fluff-ball kitten mews at them. Or, “I wouldn’t mind adopting him, but my neighbor is afraid of black cats.” Sure, those pesky neighbors are far stupid than you are – you think I’ll believe that.
Add that to the fact that no one wants to adopt a kitten over four months of age, you’ll understand why every shelter worker owns one or more adult black cats that we couldn’t bear to leave on the adoption floor.
Interestingly enough, we’ve had a few black cats over the decades. In some ways, they were preferable to our current rescued Russian Blue, as gray is harder to see in the dark, compared to black, on the light colored carpeting that we have.
For the record, I rather like that sandwich on the left – at least I know how much ham is in it. But then, I’m hungry and that may very well color my views on food.
“Spreading Positivity”, you say?
I am reminded of this:
Considering the context of the sandwich on the left, this reinforces the objectification going on. Is the fact that you’d eat “Taylor Swift’s sandwich” important enough to share?
They both look kinda “crusty.” Might wanna get that checked out. O.o
astonishing that one could imagine such a thing. wonder what her’s looks like? maybe one of those subway bigger meatier tastier? she’s going to have some splaining to do when she gets to heaven and has to talk to sky daddy
@The Mellow Monkey, considering who presented the image initially and the sheer number of sandwiches on the planet at any given instant, I’m rather certain that that sandwich wasn’t Taylor’s.
Some times, a sandwich is just a sandwich. :)
Trolling by pretending to be a living straw man argument is a really weird way to go about the job of making people dislike you.
*Raises hand* I would be one of them.
Yes, it does. It would be really nice if some of the asses in this thread would comprehend that.
And sometimes it isn’t, you flaming doucheweasel. You got called out for a reason, and rightly so. This would be the time to think, then apologize for being a flaming doucheweasel, rather than doubling down.
Maybe I’m putting all my attention in the wrong area here, but isn’t the “my daughters represent this one – Taylor Swift represents that one” backward? Surely it’s the sandwich that is supposedly doing the representing?
Ok, yeah, I’m definitely focusing on the wrong thing. Still….
If we’re able to comprehend that penises come in a range of shape-varieties, lengths and girths (I’m assuming the poster, or the weird prank strawperson the poster is pretending to be, or the gestalt entity of the two of them is able to comprehend this, possibly dangerously) why would it be surprising that the vulval architecture is also variable, or that these variations are normal (and in no way justify the promotion of any religious stance)?
Also, how the fuck does “lighter more attractive” get past anyone’s rational filters? How is there any relationship between “lighter” and “more attractive” except in the mind of an utter racist?
(Anyway, I’m white but I wear a black coat during the months which are not sweat golem season. Checkmate, theists.
Well, actually, I also have a white coat, so I suppose there’s that. It’s just that I just don’t wear it in “I would like to wear a coat now” situations.)
Yeah, the syntax is backward there. The representing goes the other direction from what she says. The sandwiches represent the body parts, it should say.
I’m pretty sure that’s a man’s hand, for what that’s worth. And those are not well-made sandwiches. Somebody built them just for the picture, which means this religious person stole some worldly trash for her representing. Which often happens.
As for the inner labia and the shaming, there’s more to it than just the shape one grew up to. There is a common belief that the inner labia get stretched out and pulled out and swollen out from sexual activity. It’s not just a matter of appearance, the sandwich on the left has been a ravening slut. So Taylor Swift is getting called promiscuous, and slut-shamed for it. She’s not just unsightly, she’s an awful person. (Needless to say, there is really no permanent size change in labia from sexual activity.)
As for black dogs, I’d say black is the most popular color, just offhand.
I’m hoping the original thing was parody, but as has been said, you can’t tell. Either way, body shaming and “slut” shaming are wrong, and a parody that perpetuates them is a bad idea.
It’s hard for me not to read that as her endorsing a form of female genital mutilation…
Athywren – not the moon you’re looking for wrote:
I tend to always avoid very light clothing and jackets. I’m naturally quite pale, and very light clothes make me look even paler, which prompts other to ask if I’m sick. As far as I can tell, black and other very dark colours ought to have the same effect on others, but far fewer people notice, so I don’t have to avoid those.
So, umm, be as light coloured as possible, but not too light, I guess?
I’m looking at the one on the right and I’m wondering exactly where the condiments are supposed to be coming out of (presuming they are representing the menstrual flow) considering that there are no holes in the meat or flaps seeming to indicate an opening.
If your daughter’s vagina has no opening, you might want to consider taking her to a doctor. When puberty hits and there is no way for the menstrual flow to leave the body, it’s going to get bad.
Maybe she buys girlie mags from Australia, and hence doesn’t know what they look like. WARNING. the link has photos of Ladies front bottoms, so probably NSFW.
When will people finally accept that yes, there are many people who hold those disgusting views and that no, they are not ashamed to express them?
They are ashamed to express them, or they’d be doing it openly without hiding behind anonymity.
gijoel @39
From your link, the phrase, “healed to a single crease,” is the creepiest euphemism I’ve seen in a while.
it’s parody… but bad parody… since you can never really be sure what exactly they are making fun of.
I dunno. Skimming through the whole thing, I saw some pretty detailed posts about “her” favorite 90’s country music albums that seemed to go way beyond what a casual parodist would bother to write. The saddest posts, if this is real, were the ones where she talks about having no friends as a child, and where she justifies her husband’s hitting her in the face while she was feeding the baby.
it’s like some of the Landover Baptist crowd. more trolling than parody really. and they think it’s funny to pretend to be assholes.
which kinda makes them assholes…
…or, you know, she’s sincere…
Also, for the last time…
Marcus to Giliell @40:
No, that doesn’t necessarily follow. There could be other reasons for their deliberate anonymity — for example, that they feel anonymity will personally shield them from negative outcomes.
(Or: fear (prudence) rather than shame might be the motivation)
John Morales@#48:
OK I stand corrected. There may be many reasons they hide behind anonymity.
@ 33 SC (Salty Current)
Big black dog.
Satire or not, if the picture is satirizing or expressing a real impression about sex and vulvar appearance, it explains how FGM starts: People get the idea that external genitalia=has had a lot of sex and want their daughters to look (and, therefore be via magic thinking) “pure”. I suppose it’s useful to know.
Why is cristianity ‘maybe’?
Marcus @49, thanks.
FWIW, I do get you, and so I want to clarify that your explanation is more plausible than others.
I’ll close out my day, after being “called on”, via a viewpoint that I fail to imagine.
I approached the imagery via what it is, food. It took a grand stretch of imagination to find that image appropriate for humans. Ham is ham, not mankind.
I “got called”, fuck you, that I didn’t sink to both of your levels of inhumanity. I saw and still see food.
But, to be a pure, distilled dick, I see female humanity’s sexual member when eating a mussel.
That’s also a behavior I’m working to ignore.
There is one singular female member of humanity that I have interest in the reproductive portions of, my wife of nearly 35 years.
The rest of you need not apply.
Some of you got pissed off at a response over a luch to me and I was indeed hungry. I went to work without a breakfast!
I have a wife and am happy with her and had to massively extend my imagination to try to comprehend the OP posting’s idea.
Honestly, my opinion doesn’t share public review, as that opinion is one of imagining a daughter as a sexual object and as a father of two daughters, that involves life ending violence against such an individual.
That is something that I am well experienced with, due to military duties.
At the end of the day, I’ve never considered a mere sandwich part of any human anatomy. Even now, it’s high;ly unlikely
Or of mating with anyone that wasn’t my wife of 35 years.
Or, to be honest, surviving for even a second beyond her death.
So did her daughter receive a labia reduction or a plain circumcision?
I thought that “Black Dog Syndrome” is a type of intermitent mental depression suffered by many people including me. I had never heard of it in the sense of the colour of skin or fur. “Black Beauty” and “Champion the Wonder Horse” must have been failiures then, not to mention that “tall, dark, handsome stranger”.
You could adapt this to the picture and produce a parable of the two sandwiches, where Jesus said “Verily I say unto you: Man, what the fuck? The sandwich on the left clearly has twice as much ham than the sandwich on the right: get these back to the kitchen and make sure each sandwich has half the available meat next time.“
In my post, the image on the left represents Taylor Swift’s vulva.
There are no images in my post.
That’s because her vulva is none of my damn business.
The OP was extremely obviously about a comparison of food to genitalia. You are not so stupid as to not realise that, and that was the context in which you made your comment.
And thanks for letting us know, once again, that you are violent. Wouldn’t want a thread to go by in which you don’t tell us that.
wzrd1, #54
Of course you had to boast about your capacity and desire for violence.
@ Akira MacKenzie correcting “IGNORAMU”
Actually a good word for someone who knows no more than an emu!
@laurentweppe #57 – Ham is not kosher.
it would not surprise me to learn that she supported both female genital mutilation and slavery. also, that women should not have the vote
Holms @52:
No True Christian fallacy. I can guarantee that many self-identified Christians would claim that these asshats are ‘Not True Christians.’ They self-identify as Christians, but, given the 40,000 or so sects, most of which have declared all the others to be heretics, are they?
rietpluim @55:
I caught myself wondering (assuming his daughter is diaper trained and old enough to bathe herself) how he knows what her genitalia looks like?
Ah – thanks.
Worst xian ever? I doubt this idiot even breaks into the top 100.
Come on, you have to be aware that the topic of this post is not about “which sandwich looks tastier?” This post is about sexism, racism, and body shaming. If you don’t have anything relevant to say on those topics, you aren’t required to comment. Seriously, people (especially people who are privileged when it comes to the topic at hand) need to get better at asking themselves if they have anything of value to add to the conversation. Sometimes you just don’t, and that’s ok. Just don’t start commenting about your lunch when it isn’t relevant.
Honestly, my lunch is more relevant than the imagery and connotations.
Your lunch is equally more relevant than that bullshit.
For, the reality is, an asshole said some asshole shit and somehow, some have validated that assholedom by granting umbrage at the assholery.
Frankly, I saw two sandwiches and still see two sandwiches, save that I now have a memory of someone comparing human anatomy with food.
So, which concern should I validate? Some asshole comparing a lunch food to a vulva or my wife’s liver failure?
I’ll concern myself with the latter, rather than lunch foods and women whose vulva is and will never be a concern of mine.
Like I said, not commenting is always an option. Everyone else is discussing racism and sexism. Your lunch is absolutely not relevant to the topic at hand.
I know people like this. It’s hard to believe when you first encounter them but my estimation in that quote a few GOP voters agree with her. Trump is liberating their ideas.
wzrd1, not wanting to armchair psychoanalyse you or anything, but do you suffer from PTSD or something, by any chance. Because you sure have violence on your mind an awful lot as well as the need to share your violent abilities. So much so that you actually stand out as the only regular I have ever seen do it at all, let alone so often, on Pharyngula and often in situations where it is only your imagination appears to make it at all necessary. So OK we get it, you are a really really tough guy and nobody better mess with you, yawn. After a very short while it just gets both boring and rather sickening.
@John Phillips, yes, indeed, I do have a touch of PTSD. It’s being treated.
To be honest, beyond two wars, I haven’t harmed another human or animal in nearly 40 years and I also am a hunter.
What effect that has is, I pay for a hunting license, take my rifle into the woods and don’t bother to load it. Pity, as cheap, lean meat would be a welcome addition to the table.
That said, under very, very, very narrow conditions, I am capable of violence and significant harm.
That said, I’ve always considered violence the first choice of the incompetent and that the mind is the ultimate weapon.
Indeed, in those wars, my primary weapon was my mind, leaving a hell of a lot less conflict in my wake.
I’ll also add, I’m being treated for hyperthyroidism, so rages aren’t uncommon, so I blow off steam verbally or in text missives.
For Christ’s sake, I try to avoid stepping on ants. On Wednesday, I saw the coolest thing I could ever consider, mockingbird chicks, a tiny two inches long in the body, walking around the sidewalk at work. Were cameras allowed on the property, I’d have taken one with me, as they were present on Tuesday.
So, yes, I do indeed have problems. I also am addressing them and honestly want to harm no other creature in this universe.
But, getting pissed off enough to say something that would be more understood in a military environment happens. That beats actually letting things build up until violence does occur. Something that I’d prefer to never, ever happen again.
But, I also know and loathe a part of myself that has employed violence to achieve specific goals in a military context and that context was part of very nearly 28 years of my life. I’ve retired from that environment, but elements of it still remain.
To be totally honest, all that I want is peace and quiet. And no fucking fireworks, I keep restraining myself from seeking cover when someone blows off an M-80.
Telling me, I have a way to go to recover.
So, how well does your armchair analysis meet the road?
I’m thinking that it was fairly close. The hyperthyroid has been complicating things, but it’s also being addressed.
That reminds me, I’ve experienced a number of adrenaline responses of late, typically on news like some recent unarmed men being shot to death and other stressors that I usually handled well. I’ll have to go in to get another blood test and call doctor to evaluate. I suspect my thyroid hormone levels have risen by a fair amount.
As my aorta is already 2.5 cm dilated, yeah, it’s a big deal.
I’ve also experienced a major stress event in the past two days, my wife has cirrhosis of the liver, secondary to gallstone accumulation. She also has severe disc disease, both at the cervical level (nearly universal) and L5-S1. She’s also diabetic and thus far, poorly controlled.
Medically speaking, we’re typically referred, in an unofficial discussion, as medical train wrecks.
I’d discuss further, but only in person. One doesn’t discuss one’s medical and mental issues in a public forum.
Be forewarned, you’ll be fed very, very well. :)
Oh, further confounders, I’m also a chronic pain patient, ill addressed, as I’m declining addressing such things with my current primary care physician, as his staff has repeatedly proved to confuse each of us and elements of each person’s observations and measurements show up in the opposite chart.
I’ll add that the PA of the practice is the wife of one of the practice members and has created her own share of medical confusion. That will be addressed soon, as well as posterior lens capsule opafication. I’m starting to have trouble seeking to drive at night. I also have another trauma induced cataract to address.
For, only the very poor go into the VA medical system for significant issues, as Congress cuts the VA budget first and foremost. I watched that over my entire military career. From Reagan to today, where large practices get the VA money.
But, this is turning into a missive and this isn’t my blog. Otherwise, I’d give many, many examples, with citations.
wzrd1. I’m not surprised as I have had a lot of friends who suffer/ed from PTSD, many who were also ex-military and who got it before it was recognised as such by the military and I recognised some of your language around violence from some of them. In particular from my favourite cousin who got it as a result of serving in some of the anti-terrorist far eastern campaigns in the 60s. When it was recognised and labelled, as his case was, as shell shock
But PTSD aside, luckily I’m not the type to get it, medically I’m possibly in a worst place. For while there is no need to go into great detail about everything wrong with me, suffice it to say I have been in chronic pain for 40+ years due to injuries received as a bootneck with other medical conditions seriously aggravating those injuries for the last 20+ years and then three years ago was given a year or less due to a progressively deteriorating condition. Fortunately, even with my injuries and disabilities I was extremely fit so that changed the odds in my favour and gave me a chance at the one possible not off the shelf cure there is for my condition, though all my wonderful NHS medical teams are amazed that I’m still going. However, due to the recent rapid progression of my condition I will be very lucky if I make 2017 as anything but scattered ashes unless that cure suddenly appears. C’est la vie, as they say :). for while I’m in no hurry to go and really hope the cure appears, the end itself doesn’t bother me that much, only its manner.
So I have plenty of sympathy as well as empathy for you and your wife’s physical ailments as well as your mental ailment. But I can’t really feel sympathy for the part of you that needs to constantly tell us about your prowess when it comes to the application of violence even if it is how you relieve some of the pressure. But if you really feel that putting it down on paper helps or just need to write purely as an outlet, why not try writing a journal or a diary. I know it helped a few of my friends when their therapists suggested it to them, including one of my closest friends with his PTSD when he was alive. It didn’t cure him, but it gave him an outlet for the things that, as he put it, ‘drove him a little crazy or to lose himself’ as well as giving him a better handle on why he reacted as he did to things.
However, please, drop the repetitious ‘you don’t want to mess with me or mine’ language, it really does you no favours and really distracts when you make a good point. For I tend to stop at that point and skip the rest of your comment and the only reason I didn’t block you earlier was that I waited to see your response.