Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaidensays
I’ve been (carelessly) following Greitens’ situation. A couple weeks ago I’d actually reached the point where I thought for sure he wouldn’t resign before the election. I am very happy to say that i was wrong.
On the downside, sexual assault and blackmail weren’t enough to get a governor to resign, nor enough to get the Misssouri Republicans to put out anything like a united front against him.
Nope, it was stealing the mailing list of a non-profit in order to use it for political fundraising that brought him down. I’m all for punishing political and electoral corruption, but it’s completely fucked that sexual assault isn’t enough by itself to bring a governor down.
All hail the victory of the Moral Majority and the Party of Family Values.
Gov Eric Greitens’ political nonprofit has until Friday [1 June] to turn over documents to the Missouri House committee investigating allegations of misconduct against the governor as a precursor to possible impeachment.
Cole County Circuit Judge Jon Beetem issued a ruling Tuesday ordering the organization, A New Missouri Inc, to turn over communications and documents showing potential coordination among the nonprofit, the governor and the governor’s campaign committee, as well as expenditures related to advertising.
The House committee issued subpoenas to the nonprofit and campaign seeking documents lawmakers believe might demonstrate efforts to illegally circumvent the state’s campaign disclosure laws. […]
A New Missouri was created in February 2017 by Greitens’ closest political advisers. It is housed in the same building as his campaign committee, and the two share some staff. The building was purchased shortly before the creation of A New Missouri by one of Greitens’ biggest campaign donors.
[… T]he House committee pointed to testimony of a former Greitens campaign staff member, Michael Hafner, who told lawmakers that in late 2014 and early 2015, the governor’s campaign was discussing a strategy to conceal the identity of its donors.
Mark Kempton, a former Pettis County prosecutor hired to serve as special counsel for a House committee, also noted accusations that Greitens’ campaign used shell companies to funnel money into its coffers to hide the original source of the money.
More recently, A New Missouri has been accused of being a conduit for money to fight off a union-backed effort to repeal Missouri’s right-to-work law. The nonprofit donated $1.2 million to a PAC that failed at its task of putting a pro-right-to-work initiative petition on the ballot this year.
Most of the PAC’s money went to political allies of the governor.
Even though I’ve lived abroad for the past 39 years, I grew up in Missouri and still have relatives there (though my brother voted for Trump solely to stop the Dems from “packing” the Supreme Court). I’ve hated seeing the GOPeers take over but I’ve been heartened (mostly) by Claire McCaskill and rising Dem star Jason Kander. It’s great to see Greitens gone but it’s going to be a while before Dems can stop feeling the St. Louis Blues.
It’s good Greitens is gone. But, of course, he did not apologize. He paints himself as the victim and aggrieved party.
Roseanne’s a bust.
I’ve been (carelessly) following Greitens’ situation. A couple weeks ago I’d actually reached the point where I thought for sure he wouldn’t resign before the election. I am very happy to say that i was wrong.
On the downside, sexual assault and blackmail weren’t enough to get a governor to resign, nor enough to get the Misssouri Republicans to put out anything like a united front against him.
Nope, it was stealing the mailing list of a non-profit in order to use it for political fundraising that brought him down. I’m all for punishing political and electoral corruption, but it’s completely fucked that sexual assault isn’t enough by itself to bring a governor down.
All hail the victory of the Moral Majority and the Party of Family Values.
(This is a slightly-edited cross post from poopyhead’s current Political Madness All the Time thread.)
Being a misogynistic creep isn’t all, Judge orders Greitens’ secretive nonprofit to turn over documents to House committee:
The BBC adds, Missouri Governor Eric Greitens resigns amid sex scandal: “Mr Greitens recieved $6m (£4.5m) in ‘dark money’ for his 2016 campaign.”
Even though I’ve lived abroad for the past 39 years, I grew up in Missouri and still have relatives there (though my brother voted for Trump solely to stop the Dems from “packing” the Supreme Court). I’ve hated seeing the GOPeers take over but I’ve been heartened (mostly) by Claire McCaskill and rising Dem star Jason Kander. It’s great to see Greitens gone but it’s going to be a while before Dems can stop feeling the St. Louis Blues.
It’s good Greitens is gone. But, of course, he did not apologize. He paints himself as the victim and aggrieved party.