In addition to my familiar and tiresome herd of trolls, the Gateway To Reason organizer is receiving more damning information about me from another source: it’s Comma again! And he’s teaming up with slymepitters and Twitter twits! I guess I’m doomed.
The UMM, the college I graduated from, is currently illegally withholding public information in a criminal investigation into Prof Myers’ inciting UMM students to censor and destroy UMM sanctioned newspapers. Under the principle of spoliation of evidence, the illegally withheld audio statements and the hand writing samples incriminate Prof Myers.
Oh, dear. “Spoliation of evidence” sounds kind of lawyerly to me, but I don’t think the fact that I freely handed over handwriting samples counts as negligence or destruction of evidence. (In case you’re baffled: someone defaced a dozen copies of an anti-choice edition of a campus newspaper by scribbling over “life” to turn it into “strife” — I was asked to write “STR” on a piece of paper by the campus police.)
I did note that the STR from Myers was similar, but not exact to the STR written on the from of the paper that I had a copy of. It will be determined later whether or not the writing sample and the defaced newspaper will be sent to the BCA lab for a certified analysis. Supplemental Report ICR: 14000376. Last Modified 04-17-2014 1359. Title: Officer Velde Report.
Wait…so he was given a copy of my handwriting? Then how can he say the evidence was withheld?
I’m kind of guessing at this point that three letters written in block printing aren’t going to be exactly definitive about the writer’s identity. What a waste of time.
Can you say: “Scandal!”? Plus, it would appear that Prof Myers was behind a similar incident of incitement of violence against me. Prof Myers’ slanderous comments and incitement was reported to the UMM campus police. I was recently informed by the Mn Police Officers Standards & Training Board that I should compile my evidence of misconduct by the UMM campus police and file a complaint. I will be contacting Prof Myers’ detractors and inform them that you were presented with this information.
Scandal! Scandal scandal scandal. I quiver meltingly in my spider-hole.
Not in fear, though, but in amusement. How delicious that Comma and the ineffectual dopes who incessantly demand apologies, retractions, boycotts, firings, etc. on the internet are now joining forces.
Yup, I can say it.
PS: I’m a little jealous at how much time your local police force spent on this.
My local police spent a few minutes notifying me they weren’t going to investigate the theft of my laptop.
‘Spoilation’ is a word? And here was me thinking ‘spoiling’ was a perfectly good verb.
A scandal!
A razzle-dazz!!
A regular coup d’etat!!!
Where’s Adam Ezra when we need him?
@Daz (#3)
Except it’s spoliation, not spoilation. The former is probably used in law because it’s closer to the Latin original and thus more prestigious.
Some linguist should do a study on the types of legal terms favored by these sovereign citizen/freeman on the land wankers. I wouldn’t be surprised if they have a disproportionate preference for the more archaic English terms or Latin terms.
Tsk, ninja’d by chigau.
“I was recently informed by the Mn Police Officers Standards & Training Board that I should compile my evidence of misconduct by the UMM campus police and file a complaint”
Instead of calling random police officers on their personal phones, while they’re off duty, and demand to know why they haven’t arrested PZ Myers on unspecified charges yet. I had believed that was the proper procedure, but apparently they’ve changed the policy to further thwart me.
I can’t see any reason why Monsieur Arouet would have considered you one of his enemies. You two are rather more, birds of a feather. From his Wiki, “famous for his wit, his attacks on the established Catholic Church, and his advocacy of freedom of religion, freedom of expression, and separation of church and state.” Admittedly he outshines you in his literary output and variety of forms, but I can imagine he would have quite enjoyed reading what you have produced.
Yeah, it’s a word, or at least a legal term. Comma got a dictionary. He means, of course, that the non-withheld evidence might have been considered detrimental to PZ’s “defense,” had it actually been withheld. I think.
He knows spoliation.
Words he doesn’t know:
He seemingly has no sense of perspective. Mountains out of molehills, manufactroversy, Serious Business.
Scratch that, he doesn’t know what spoliation of evidence is either, because he alleges to have seen the “illegally withheld evidence”.
Oops. Thanks folks.
Comma certainly doesn’t have a problem trying to use laws he doesn’t believe in against people he doesn’t like. That’s some fine morals.
Never mind.
Oh well. It’s alright now.
It would be very evil if everybody responding to Comma would mentioned they were talking to the IRS about his Sovereign Citizen claim. But then only mention his name to the IRS when they must respond to his drivel.
didn’t they have fabulous hair‽
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the, “I did note that the STR from Myers was similar…” bit is actually a quote from the police report (the one you published here), not this person saying that they have seen the handwriting sample.
Very interesting speakers for Gateway to Reason! And kudos to the organizers for getting out the publicity on the event early.
keeping the light on this fellow might lead to him having a little more attention then he would feel comfortable.
a very good thing.
I fear that he may well become “unstable” if he keeps this up.
uncle frogy
“Spoliation” is indeed a legal term, but it refers to destroying evidence, not withholding or hiding it. Withholding evidence (illegally or otherwise) is not spoliation, and it’s not the “principle of spoliation”. Spoliation is not itself proof, although in many circumstances a court can order that as a sanction. Not surprising that someone this daft can’t get his pseudolegality right, I suppose.
But you haven’t been convicted of any crime yet! This Comma fellow doesn’t know what he’s in for — a stern lecture from the Nuge!
Uhm, Comma, making up crimes and accusing others of it is actually a crime, you know? People laughing at you is not violence.
People publishing the nonsense you write so that others can laugh at it, too, is not violence.
Uh, that’s not implied. PZ is implying to the famous anecdote of “I had one prayer – ‘Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.’ – and God granted it.” PZ has a ridiculous enemy, namely Comma.
“Implying to”. Right. *eyeroll*
Implying, and also alluding to.
From the OP:
Well, playing with the old Hero System rules is enough to drive anyone into a life of crime.
… never mind…
I’m beginning to miss David Mabus…
Ironic, considering that he also accuses PZ of “slanderous comments”. Par for the course, really.
Fun fact about Voltaire’s prayer: I looked it up in French recently and it’s been somewhat mistranslated in the English-speaking world, and it’s much more popular in the English world than in France. It’s an offhand comment in a short personal letter in which Voltaire asks his friend to send him a copy of a theologian’s ridiculous justification for banning a book. Here’s the French:
J’ai toujours fait une prière à Dieu, qui est fort courte; la voici: Mon Dieu, rendez nos ennemies bien ridicules! Dieu m’a exaucé.
My translation:
There’s a prayer to God I’ve always made, which is quite short; it is: My God, make our enemies properly ridiculous! God granted it.
Voltaire was a Deist, not an atheist. The usual translation overemphasizes how Voltaire only made “one” prayer, but Voltaire wasn’t against prayer. Voltaire wrote a fairly famous “Prayer to God” in his Treatise on Tolerance.
I used to answer phone calls from the general public for a major metro newspaper. “Compile your evidence of misconduct and send it in” is pretty close to verbatim how we handled calls from obvious cranks who were convinced that they, and they alone, had all the intel needed to take down [insert some level of government here].
SovCits use complicated and mysterious legal terms for pretty much the same reason, I think, that Hermes Trismestigus didn’t just write in German. Ironically, these people are going against Plain Language, an ongoing effort by the legal profession (among others) to be more open and accessible.
@10: Of course Black’s Law Dictionary is the primary SovCit lawbook.
Anri@27: Harrumph. You’re uninvited from my fantasy hero game! :-P
…Oh. Thanks for finding this!
Man. This is the worst satire of all time. Wait…it’s real life?