
This is what the Pope’s astronomer says:

Any entity — no matter how many tentacles it has — has a soul.

Guy Consolmagno

Here’s what I say.

No entity — no matter how many tentacles it has — has a soul.

PZ Myers

I can count tentacles. I can’t count souls, and neither can anyone else.

Mormons : California :: _________ : Minnesota

The answer to that little logic question is Catholics. We’ve got a little buzz going on in Minnesota to legalize gay marriage — one of our gubernatorial candidates is for it, for instance, while the other is against it (guess which party he’s from) — and already the Catholic Church is gearing up to oppose it.

The bishops of Minnesota are “alarmed” by continuing attacks on marriage, Bishop of Winona James Quinn has said. He reported that Catholics of his diocese will receive a DVD and a letter from him to remind Catholics of church teaching and to explain the dangers of the legal recognition of same-sex “marriage.”

“From the beginning, the church has taught that marriage is a lifetime relationship between one man and one woman,” the bishop wrote in his diocese’s newspaper The Courier. “It is a sacrament, instituted by Jesus Christ to provide the special graces that are needed to live according to God’s law and to give birth to the next generation.”

Please, please, any fair-minded, charitable Catholics who receive the bishop’s DVD of hate: rip it and upload it to youtube and let me know about it. If you don’t know how or are reluctant to out yourself, send it to me and I’ll do it. Or quite possibly the bishops are so proud of their message they’ll make it public. At any rate, we ought to expose the dishonesty of the fear mongers and liars.

Why is it that organized religion is so consistently on the wrong side of every issue of civil liberties and social justice that has come up in our time? You’d almost think they were always in favor of tyranny.

War on Christmas, already

Oy, what a cringeworthy production. It’s Christmas with a Capital C, a ghastly little movie to pander to the Christian persecution complex at Christmas time.

I’ve seen enough — I think I’ll skip it. Not that I’m likely to have much chance of seeing it: I don’t frequent church basements, and I don’t watch the Trinity Broadcast Network, and I don’t plan on getting pithed any time in the near future.

John May vs. the Irish

That Irish crank who had a technology minister on his side had his book launch, and the Irish Atheists were there. It sounds like May was laughable.

While being filmed for a documentary about his book, the author says he was asked about Lucy and whether this discovery did not provide evidence for evolution. May dismissed it as a hoax, saying that it was made from a pig’s jawbone and that this was a well-known fact. At this early stage, this bizarre comment was mostly greeted with rolled eyes and suppressed giggles. As May continued presenting “facts” of this calibre, the objections from the audience were to become louder and more sustained.

I’m sure it was entertaining.