Oh, sure, we could go with something election related. Or we could follow in Wonkette’s footsteps & write about how Kentucky’s Attorney General brazenly lied about the grand jury’s investigation of Breonna Taylor’s killer cops (yes, we’re talking about murderous cops and not about people who kill cops) and about how the dishonest AG was counting on grand jury secrecy to keep his lies from being discovered even as he continued to break required silence on grand jury proceedings with no one to arrest him (since that would be the AG’s job, which would be him) and, finally, about how a new ruling on behalf of a grand jury member who wanted to be able to speak publicly about aspects of the proceedings which the AG had already (falsely) described without going to jail. That’s an important story, an Wonkette has a good write up of it, but it’s not the most important story of the day.
We will, of course, miss the work of James Randi, but while personally affecting, I feel the story lacks quite as much public impact as even the story about the release of the Taylor grand jury transcript’s release. The story about Giuliani’s bid to bed a Borat Betty is amusing if you’re in the right frame of mind, but that’s not important at all. There’s all sorts of election news, of course, but much of it is horse-race nonsense. The election is not won or lost based on polls conducted 2-3 weeks before election day.
No, there’s only one most important news story today:
Boaty McBoatFace has set sail!
It hasn’t been officially commissioned yet. The cruise upon which it is embarked is a sea trial/shakedown run, but Boaty McBoatFace is now beginning to motor around the ocean seeking out HOT SCIENCE ACTION. Not only is this fantastic, but website New Atlas has the best write up of a research vessel’s embarkation on sea trials in the history of science-ship test-run related news stories. Check this out:
Back in April 2016 the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) made the good-hearted but naive decision to invite the public to vote on the name of their upcoming 15,000-tonne (16,535-US ton) science vessel.
Naturally, the people … overwhelmingly elected to name the research ship the RSS Boaty McBoatface….
BAS wasn’t about to have its shiny new science battleship christened Boaty McBoatface, and so announced that it would betray the people. The ship would instead be christened the RSS Sir David Attenborough, a name which is very hard to argue against, and that garnered a mere 10,284 votes during the competition.
In terms of scandal, the cold, calculating move ranks alongside the 2006 decision to demote Pluto from the rank of planet, which large swathes of the world’s population are still not over.
I am so in love with New Atlas right now.
PS. Also, too, I hope both of my readers notice that for once the “excessive snark” tag on a Pervert Justice post is in reference to snark other than my own.
Yes, I will miss the Amazing Randi.
I think I recall that the BAS named one of the unmanned rovers on the ship Boaty McBoatface.