Anybody else hear this weird, whiney droning noise?
August 12th, 2017:
Source: The Daily Caller
August 13th, 2017:
Avoid the ideological polarization: sort yourself out, instead….
— Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) August 14, 2017
No? Just me?
What on earth is Neo Marxism? Is he an economist now?
I just did a bit of research and found some truly amazing fucking idiocy:
He is complaining about post-modernism and “marxism” because someone apparently had a hammer and sickle flag at some event. Then he complains about a “philosophical sleight of hand” (fumbling his own cards badly!) about how communism didn’t work so Derrida something marxism wtf something. It’s a really impressive – no wait, no it’s not – performance of attempted bafflegab. Parsing it apart would be fun but I don’t have enough heavy-duty garbage bags for the job.
He’s a professor of what? Do they give PhDs in Stupid? Because this guy, who is complaining about postmodernism, is doing it.
Did you click the “self-authoring” link the quoted tweet?
Don’t have your head near a desk if you try it.
Did you click the “self-authoring” link the quoted tweet?
Don’t have your head near a desk if you try it.
Owwwwww! MY FOREHEAD!!!
That’s a great load of WTF right there. Is this guy a professor at some actual university? Is it WTF State or something?
Professor of psychology at the University of Toronto.
He’s a home-grown hatesack.
Psychology, indeed.