A Nazi’s guide to not getting punched in the face

Andrea Grimes published a tips guide for Nazis on How to Not Get Punched in the Face.

Of course, it’s not fair that Nazis should have to change anything about their behavior or beliefs just to avoid being punched in the face, but if I knew a Nazi personally, I would hope they would heed this advice. You wouldn’t leave an expensive watch sitting on your driver’s seat and abandon your car, unlocked, on a dark street, would you? And then come up shocked to find the watch gone and your car vandalized? I mean, you can’t go around doing, saying, and believing racist things—like quoting Nazi propaganda and Hitler himself—and then express surprise when someone clocks you in the gourd for it. Not that there is anything inherently unconscionable with doing, saying, and believing racist things!

Sounds legit.



  1. rq says

    I came to this post fully expecting to read “Don’t be a Nazi”. :) Your link, however, is worth my umm terrible, crushing disappointment.