Thor’s Day Mood.

Leader – This Is Why We Bleed.

[Verse 1]

As you sit and make your list
Think about the years you’ve missed

As the tear falls from your eye
Know the reason that you cry (cry)
The scar burns deep inside


This is why we bleed, this is why we scream
But we won’t run away
This is why we know, that we must go
So we can fight today
You can make me bleed, you can make me scream
But i won’t run away
This is how i know that i must go
So i can fight today

[Verse 2]

Open your eyes to the world unknown
Fighting the lies of the dark alone
But you’re still bleeding
And it’s still feeding
Don’t fight the dark alone


This is why we bleed, this is why we scream
But we won’t run away
This is why we know, that we must go
[Lyrics from: https:/]
So we can fight today
You can make me bleed, you can make me scream
But i won’t run away
This is how i know that i must go
So i can fight today


Can you hear me now?
Can you hear, can you hear, can you hear, me now?
(but we won’t run away)


This is why we bleed, this is why we scream
But we won’t run away
This is why we know, that we must go
So we can fight today
You can make me bleed, you can make me scream
But i won’t run away
This is how i know that i must go
So i can fight today


This is why we bleed, this is why we scream
(don’t fight the dark alone)
This is why we know, that we must go
So we can fight today
You can make me bleed, you can make me scream
(don’t fight the dark alone)
This is how i know, that i must go
So i can fight today

It’s The Revolution! Oh No!

Rick Wiles. Again. And Again. The upset this time? The above video.

End Times broadcaster Rick Wiles warned that a recent “Saturday Night Live” skit in which three R&B singers begged Barack Obama to come back and be president again was really deep state propaganda designed to prepare Americans for the coming left-wing revolution.

Wiles and his co-hosts were aghast that SNL would make light of something as serious as “throwing out the Constitution” and “insurrection.”

“They’re prepping the public for the revolution,” Wiles said. “We’re going to topple Donald Trump, we’re going to bring back Barack Obama, we’re going to throw out the Constitution and we’re going to start a new country.”

“It confirms what I said a year ago,” he added. “Barack Obama will run the country as a president in exile. All of this ‘Resist Trump’ garbage is all being directed by Barack Hussein Obama.”

No, Mr. Wiles, this does not confirm anything you said, and it certainly does not confirm your moronic conspiracy theories. It’s a skit which represents a whole hell of a lot of wishful thinking going on, because of the twin disasters of the Tiny Tyrant and the grand ol’ party of sociopaths. People are tired, scared, sinking into poverty, and half dead of embarrassment. And you’re all aghast that people long for the return of a competent and scandal-free administration? That people long for a president who is actually intelligent, thoughtful, and capable of empathy? That people are desperate for a leader who is capable of diplomacy and has better things to do than to spew shit and manufacture vendettas via Twitter?

Pulling off a revolution is not so easy; history would be your friend there. Perhaps you should go and read. It’s always of interest to me, given how much you christian conservatives always have your nose up the ass of the ‘founding father’s’ corpses, that you conveniently manage to forget it was a revolution which founded all you claim to love. There’s a quick lesson there – revolutions happen when people simply cannot tolerate the existing situation anymore, they don’t happen for no reason at all.

The Resistance is not garbage. It’s necessary. And once again, not being directed by Pres. Obama. Seriously, if it was, I want my personally signed memo, dammit!

Via RWW.

Word Wednesday.



A vessel in which the consecrated host is exposed for the adoration  of the faithful. Example.

[Origin: Middle English mustraunce, monstrans demonstration, monstrance from Anglo-French mustrance show, sign, from Medieval Latin monstrantia, from Latin monstrare to show, from monstrum.]

(15th Century)

There’s also a monstrance clock: The monstrance clock, or mirror clock, developed during the Renaissance. The monstrance was a cross-shaped gold or silver vessel which played an important part in church ritual and often incorporated sacred figures as part of the design. The clock made use of a rotating ball at the top or in the base to indicate the time of day.

“Two years ago, the clock tower had collapsed, almost completely destroying the choir loft and the vestry at a time when more than hundred people were in the church. An elderly widow, Regina Reichart, was crushed in the rubble, and took three days and three nights of digging to find the buried monstrance.” – The Play of Death, Oliver Pötzsch.

Given that monstrance means to demonstrate or show, I think it would a fine word for those who insist on demonstrating their assholism.


Ghost – Monstrance Clock. If you don’t know:

In the last tour, Papa Emeritus III had a monologue about this song, that was usually said before it: in the end and summing it up, he says it’s a song that” paints a picture of how the female orgasm can be achievied”, as it is deemed as “a craft of the devil”. In the monologue, Papa also talks about sexual encounters and the synchrony and affinity between a two people, reaching orgasm together.