Three angels visiting Abraham, Ludovico Carracci.
Rick Wiles. Again. Never shuts up, this one.
Citing the biblical tale of Sodom and Gomorrah, Wiles insisted that that “sick, sick society” had nothing on modern-day America.
“I think, right now, if God sent angels to this country, homosexuals would attempt to rape them,” Wiles said. “I have read comments by homosexual rights activists—I don’t even want to say the words, I can’t even say it, what they want to do to our Lord, Jesus Christ. I have seen comments, it’s so wicked, so blasphemous I can’t even say it. I don’t want to even go there.”
“I’m telling you,” he continued, “if angels arrived in some major cities in this country, men would seek to rape them. We have become that wicked.”
Sigh. I’m starting to think of evangelical conservatives as bullshit faucets, always on full spew. First, that moronic bible story is not at all what most christians think it is, and whatever the ‘grievous’ sin of the people in Sodom and Gomorrah, that will never be known, because although Jehovah mentions it, he never says what it is. One thing is clear, and that’s Jehovah’s plan to destroy all the people long before they get there. He lets Abraham in on his little secret, and Abraham, not being an idiot, inquires if all the good people will be destroyed, too. Then Abraham starts bargaining with Jehovah, from 50 to 10, that if he can identify 10 good people, Jehovah will have to stay his hand. Abraham is never given that opportunity, though. The whole damn story is nonsense, from start to finish. You can read a basic summary here. One thing which happens a lot in the bible is a whole town’s worth of men always showing up when there’s a new man in town, clamoring to have him come out for a spot of gang rape. In most cases, Jehovah doesn’t seem to be terribly upset about it, so it’s hard to imagine everyone had to die for that one. You know a story christians don’t like? The Levite’s Concubine. That’s a nasty one. And the town of Gibeah wasn’t destroyed! Well, they weren’t looking to rape an angel. Maybe that makes the difference. Jehovah doesn’t care if people are gang raped, but hands off the angels! Besides, there’s the easy way to prevent men being raped – just toss them a woman or two. That’s biblical.
Naturally, willfully ignorant, hateful, bigoted christians just love that story. Now Wiles claims he’s read comments by gay rights activists, but of course, he won’t say which activists, what organizations they represent, or where he’s read these awful things he just couldn’t possibly repeat. Providing a source would not force him to repeat anything. I guess he didn’t think of that. So, we can be fairly safe in assuming that Mr. Wiles has been trawling places he shouldn’t be, or is just making shit up. Most likely the latter. I can’t think of a single LGBTQ activist who would say anything so gosh darn awful it would be unrepeatable. I know they aren’t going around advocating rape, angels or no.
As for this: We have become that wicked. No. Speak for yourself, Mr. Wiles. You wouldn’t find me raping anyone, ever. I also wouldn’t protect or defend rapists, like you do.
Since there’s no convenient way to identify an angel, perhaps we should just concern ourselves with people. I figure angels could fend for themselves. We have, if not a rapist, a serial sexual assaulter sitting in the white house. I’d like to do something about that. Be nice if you mouthy fuckin’ goddists were concerned about that, too. Because that sends a message, doesn’t it? But not only are you asshole christians supporting the pussy grabber, you’re busy supporting people like Moore, too, and his skeevy, sleazy pursuit of teenagers over the years. Of course, that sort of thing doesn’t upset you types, does it? That’s being all manly and godly. :spits: Go the fuck away, Mr. Wiles. Go become an angel hunter, and you can be an angel bodyguard or something.
Via RWW.
We have, if not a rapist, a serial sexual assaulter sitting in the white house. I’d like to do something about that. Be nice if you mouthy fuckin’ goddists were concerned about that, too. Because that sends a message, doesn’t it?
They sure are concerned about the sanctity of marriage. I mean, it’s Melania’s business, like it was Hillary’s business that Bill was running around, as Trump tried to remind us during the election when he trotted out the … the women who accused Bill of sexual assault. It’s like, (racking my brains here) Trump was trying to remind us that Bill grabbed women inappropriately and that Hillary should have done something. I believe that’s actually a triple-axel hypocrisy with a twist, in pike position, which is a very difficult hypocrisy to pull off for a human.
We’re getting a lot of that level of contortion these days.
Grew up in a religious household. The fear of another consenting adult’s sex life is like the most powerful thing: shark attacks, angry white terrorists with guns, planet-wide ecological decline? Those don’t hold a candle to the fear that someone else out there has a consenting adult’s sex life without evangelical permission.
Still learning,
So how many Teh Gay dance can on a pin?
(According to Ye Pffft! Of All Knowledge, the question “How many angels can dance on a pin?” (and similar) probably was never a serious subject of discussion. Neither is whatever Wiles is blathering about, so it fits right in… er, on.)
Oh POTUS? He’s definitely a rapist. His first wife testified to that.
Most of the Bible reads like political propaganda for some long-forgotten conflict. In the story of Sodom, you get a sense of war propaganda piece that later became a folk legend, and some parts were eventually embedded in the Genesis narrative about ancient patriarchs’ dealings with God.
“Our city-state was once in a perfectly reasonable war against the Sodom-Gomorrah alliance. Some noblemen in Sodom were considering a coup for our mutual benefit, so we secretly sent two men to negotiate with them for military cooperation. They were caught, and then our two envoys were most brutally gang-raped and/or killed, together with some of our local collaboratives and their womenfolk. Eventually, we won the war and, perfectly reasonably, burned both Sodom and Gomorrah to ground and killed the men and enslaved the women, except for some of our collaboratives who still survived in Sodom. Our city’s god is the strongest and most righteous.”
One would think a trio of angels could handle a crowd of human beings in a fight pretty easilly, they are supposed to be guardians of heaven capable of killing demons.
Or fly away.
If there’s any group which is documented as not being able to keep it in their pants, it’s cis straight guys. Maybe Preachy McChurchpants should be worried about them getting a hold of his angels.
@4. blf : “So how many Teh Gay dance can on a pin?”
As many as want to? (Answer yoiked from Marcus in an episode of the Babylon 5 SF TV series.)
@5. Raucous Indignation :
Yes -- Ivana Trump plus Jill Harth plus a “Jane Doe” who was apparently raped by Trump when she was 13 -- and has a witness to that. I think Trump should have been arrested and probably convicted and jailed long ago when these cases came to light and am surprised more hasn’t been made of them and they aren’t more widely known.
Source and more info : Content WARNING : Rape, violence, Trump. :
I could be mistaken here, but I thought the sin of Sodom was pretty clearly stated in the Bible -- and also NOT what people usually think it was :
Source : http://biblehub.com/ezekiel/16-49.htm
So basically the sin of Sodom was following Republican ideas and policies!
(Gomorroah also seems to get downplayed, missed out here -- presumably same crimes?)
You “people” are sick. Shame on You!!! Please soften Your Hearts!!!