This is not a common sight. A single male roe deer, grazing near-ish our house in the middle of the day. He seemed quite unperturbed by a few cars passing the road about 100 m from him. And he was so focused on munching grass that he barely ever raised his head above his shoulders, so I mostly got pictures of his ass.
Well, munching is important, winter is coming.
Wild animals are like this. A human on foot will make them run off, occasionally in front of traffic, because they don’t register cars as the much bigger danger.
Giliell @ 2
True. That’s the reason why we have this, this and this plus a lot of over 2 m (2.15 m to 2.45 m IIRC) high fence on the sides of roads.
Ice Swimmer
We only have the last one, due to an unexplained lack of moose and reindeer. And yeah, if you see that, you slow down and pay some fucking attention.