Shades and Reflections

I took my camera with me on our Sunday walk and upon looking at the pictures I decided that they together shaped a perfect theme for an end of year post.

Because looking at a whole year can never be one thing. Unless you’re a rock. I guess then you’re thinking in centuries or something.

©Giliell, all rights reserved

There were so many good things this year. I love my job, despite its high stress levels and I really hope that I can stay in this area. And I won’t say that I don’t care about the money. Having some financial backup really takes a lot off your shoulders, despite all the unexpected expenses we had this year. We had a wonderful holiday and despite the fact that #1 is deep within puberty and of course we’re having conflicts it’s also some precious time that won’t return.

I have so many wonderful friends, some very close to me, some across the globe and I’m greatfull for all of you.

©Giliell, all rights reserved The lake has started to freeze over in the part under the trees where all the debris accumulates, leading to interesting pictures.

But 2019 also had different layers. My body introduced me to whole new levels of pain. I thought I knew pain. After all I gave birth twice, broke some bones and had an infected wisdom tooth, but as it turned out, I only knew pain, not Pain. If you ever thought that “passing out from pain” was a trope found in books and bad movies: believe me, it’s not.

©Giliell, all rights reserved

©Giliell, all rights reserved

Politically, the world seems to be getting darker. Fascism is more and more normalised, the coup in Bolivia has critically endangered native rights and right wing parties in Europe are gaining more and more influence. But there is also some light, with progressive movements, especially around environmentalism.

Let’s see what 2020 brings and let’s work together to make it a better year, each one of us however we can.

©Giliell, all rights reserved



  1. kestrel says

    Gorgeous photos. I agree, working together we can make things better, at least in some small way. And that can really add up.

  2. voyager says

    I hope 2019 marks the end of your Pain.
    I’m afraid that the pain of rising Fascism won’t end quickly or peacefully, but you’re right we can change things for the better if we work together. It begins locally and spreads outward, provincially then federally then globally. The impact of Greta Thunberg has been a tonic for me. Her anger is righteous. It’s great to see the people who will be left with a wounded world fight for their right for something better.
    I also mark my friendships as a special and important part of my life and that includes you, Giliell. For an old girl who grew up in an analog world, this blog and the friends I have made all over the world seem a bit miraculous at times.
    Your photos are serene and beautiful. Happy New Year.

  3. Ice Swimmer says

    I’m grateful for being a part of this community.

    I love the light, the reflections and textures in the pictures.

    Concurring with voyager about your Pain.

    As for money, I think there is a nonlinear function about caring about the money, it’s steep near the zero, but the steepness tapers off when one has more, at least for me (I went from being on unemployment benefits and having trouble to make ends meet to making more than twice as much per month and there was a huge difference).

    I wish that the trend of “strong leaders*” “supporting traditional values**” would reverse.
    * = dissent-crushing crooks and liars
    ** = making life more miserable for most people, engaging in negative-sum games and wasting resources

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