I’m sorry that Jack and I didn’t get here yesterday. By the time I got home from Michigan I was so tired that I totally crashed. Jack didn’t mind the crash. He was so happy to see me that he’s glued himself to me and he won’t let me out of his sight. He’s been quietly following me around wherever I go and he just sits and watches me. It’s a bit unnerving, but I understand. Jack’s been feeling a bit left out since my mother took sick and I started spending most of my time at the nursing home. Then, just I started cutting back a bit from that, I took off completely for 2 days. Poor Bubba. He’s used to having me to himself most of the day.
The time away was just what I needed. I got to play with giant snakes and giant tortoises and I even held a tarantula. We accidentally discovered the largest Salvation Army store in North America and spent hours roaming through the place looking at all kinds of interesting stuff. My friend found a brand new Anne Klein black wool coat for $21.00. I found several funky pieces to add to my wardrobe and as we were checking out we were given an extra 30% discount because we were early birds. We hit a few other stores, found a few more deals, ate out, talked, laughed and finally made it home, tired but happy. Today it’s back to reality and even though I’ll be extra tired for a day or two my mind is clearer and I’m ready to return to caregiving.
Glad you had a chance to decompress. I’m sure Jack will get over it!
I’m glad you got a mini-vacation. I’m sure Jack will forgive you. He probably also is picking up on your distress and he’s keeping an eye on you. My cats have always been able to sense when I am upset or worried, and I’d bet Jack is the same.
It sounds like the perfect break. Well except for the tarantula, I would give that a hard pass, but I admire you for holding it. The Salvation Army store sounds wonderful, I love a good charity shop.
Poor Jack, he’s behaving like a German Shepherd does all of the time. I have to be very firm about shutting the door of the loo or I will have one or both of them in there with me, and neither of our loos are big enough for that quite apart from any desire for privacy on my part.
I’m glad you had a good time. Heavens know that you need all the breaks you can get right now. And playing with snakes sounds like fun.
I’m glad that you’ve had time to recuperate.
The picture is a nice catch and the mushroom is cute.