I think this sad little group of mushrooms looks like Can Can dancers who’ve fallen and can’t get up. Or maybe ballerinas in tutus twirling on their heads. Or even quite possibly like the petticoats of fairies bent over to touch their toes. Whatever the case, Jack and I stopped to say a cheerful “hello” before continuing on our way.
Those are some beautiful hues of brown!
I found something similar when I went mushroom hunting, but that was one of the photos that were blurred due to mosquito-induced movements. Maybe the mosquitoes were guarding the secret, keeping me from finding out the true about Can Can dancers, ballerinas with tutus, or bent over fairies…
However these came to be, they are shapely.
They look like slices of citrus. Though I expect floating these in my tea will not have the same effect.
Beautiful examples of intermediate gills -- ones that don’t reach the stem.