More images from the birds of prey at Amnéville. I must say they got the optics down to a T, puuting the black guy on the white horse and the blond white woman on the black one.
He has the most perfect bird -- both for optics, and just plain perfect (I love owls). I love that shot, they’re both so focussed and handsome.
I kinda wish the woman had worn pale colours, though. But her outfit is pretty awesome, comfy, protective and practical (this is how I picture warrior women, the ones who tend to have their tits placed front and centre instead of their badassery). I bet it has pockets somewhere.
That last picture is wonderful, that owl looks fiersome.
@3 Charly
Not fearsome so much as “Okay, you wanted dinner , you are going to get it!” or “I am just a little bit annoyed”.
It is a gorgeous shot of the owl.
These are wonderful. I do love the horse/human/owl contrasting optics (the black guy on the white horse has a pale owl while the blonde white woman on the black horse has a dark brown owl).
Those owls! I didn’t know people flew owls.
He has the most perfect bird -- both for optics, and just plain perfect (I love owls). I love that shot, they’re both so focussed and handsome.
I kinda wish the woman had worn pale colours, though. But her outfit is pretty awesome, comfy, protective and practical (this is how I picture warrior women, the ones who tend to have their tits placed front and centre instead of their badassery). I bet it has pockets somewhere.
That last picture is wonderful, that owl looks fiersome.
@3 Charly
Not fearsome so much as “Okay, you wanted dinner , you are going to get it!” or “I am just a little bit annoyed”.
It is a gorgeous shot of the owl.
These are wonderful. I do love the horse/human/owl contrasting optics (the black guy on the white horse has a pale owl while the blonde white woman on the black horse has a dark brown owl).