Today I managed to get home before the sun set completely and I was not hungry overmuch, so I managed to grab my camera and go for a walk for a change and I experimented a bit with this and that.
Today I wish to share a few shots of a roadside cluster of rowan trees. I love rowan trees, every part of them. In the fall, they are the first ones starting to change color around here. The fall has truly arrived.
©Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.
I just love the name. There was a girl, once, I knee named Rowan and I had such a crush on her it still sounds beautiful to my ear.
I love the first one.
But yes, autumn has arrived quickly now.
I love rowan too, also known in parts of the UK as mountain ash.
So beautiful! I love the colour in the first photo, so deep and intense.
Lovely shots, Charly. If I had to pick a favourite it would be the second. I’m partial to a good backlit shot.
Our trees haven’t started to colour up yet.
Ooh, the first ones have a honey-like palette.
But the last three are my favourites.
Beautiful silhouettes, and your colours seem to be more advanced than ours!
@rq, that wa just this one tree, others are still very much green.