Our tree this week comes to us from down under. It’s an almond tree is glorious bloom sent to us by Lofty, who says,
With our crazy seasons the almond trees think it’s spring already.
The photo was taken several weeks ago which is definitely too early for spring blossoms. I sincerely hope the trees will settle into a good growing season despite the premature start. I’ve never seen an almond tree before and had no idea they were so pretty. Thanks so much for sharing, Lofty.
What a beauty! Almond blossoms are very delicate.
Almonds have been getting more expensive around here as the seasons go weird. Winter is not officially over for a few more days and already the forecast maximum for Wednesday is 26 degrees C. Every shrubbery that produces pollen is currently going nuts and my eyes are swelling up. Very pretty though when I can see properly.
So gorgeous! The second shot is my favourite. Almond trees are lovely when they decide it’s spring (even if it isn’t).
As pretty as roses. The light going through the petals in the second is nice.
Almonds are my favourite sort-of-nuts nowadays as I can eat more of them than other nuts as they contain less purines than, say, cashew or hazelnuts, which is a nice thing for a gouty old bastard.
Mm, spring! It looks quite happy.
I’ll have to send in the cherry tree for comparison, it exploded quite aromatically once spring rolled around.