Nightjar has sent us some roses today and they’re all so pretty that I just can’t pick a favourite. The white rose looks so delicate and fresh, the yellow rose has that beautiful salmon blush and that last rose is bold and bright in shades of fuschia. Even better, they’re all memory roses from the garden of someone special. Nightjar says,
These are not from my garden, but from my grandma’s garden that since she died is kind of abandoned. I still go there sometimes to deweed a few things, but I don’t have enough time to properly care for it. Somehow, beautiful flowers still grow there every year, including these roses! The house is about to be rented, and from what I heard about the family that will move there, I’m hopeful they will keep the garden alive. But I will make a few cuttings of these roses, just to be sure…
I especially love the first and the last, which are still so similar to white roses, with their flowers wide open for bees and insects.
How wonderful, Nightjar, that you got some cuttings of your grandmother’s roses! My grandmother grew roses and it’s one of the things I can remember about her. I never got cuttings, which is sad, but there was really no way I could because she lived so far away. I love roses to this day due to my grandmother, and have six different ones this year. These are really lovely. I have to say I favor the second one, but one thing I like best about a rose is the fragrance and not the color!
Thank you!
kestrel, the most fragrant of these is certainly the second one.
I concur with Giliell.
All beautiful, but if the second is the most scented that would be the one I would pick, it always saddens me if I try to smell a rose and there is barely any scent. Roses should intoxicate the senses, smell, sight, touch.
Oh, that last one! Does it have a name? I’m trying to get the variety names so I know what to put in as replacements when one of mine don’t survive the winter.
I don’t know. My grandma very rarely bought any plants, she had her garden full because a) she wasn’t shy to ask anyone for seeds/cuttings/bulbs when she saw something she liked on someone’s garden, b) she was bold enough to “steal” cuttings or whatever plant part from public gardens when no one was looking, and c) everyone knew she loved plants and she received them as presents very often. I don’t know the story of that particular rose, but I will ask my mum, maybe she remembers where it came from and if it has a name.
rq, my mum remembers the source of the rose. I contacted said source and she says it’s probably a “Candy Stripe” rose, but she’s not completely sure.