Sam Nunberg is pushing Hope Hicks for chief of staff, and his reasons are…interesting.
“She is actually perfect for what the president is looking for,” Nunberg replied. “He is thinking of not having a chief of staff. What he wants is to operate like the 26th floor of Trump Tower where he had a strong-willed, very good woman in Rhona Graff handling the calls, knowing him getting his zen, things like that.”
“He will listen to women more than men, believe it or not, strongly saying, that wouldn’t be a good idea,” he continued. “She would be perfect for this. He had to adapt to the presidency… political gravity will never apply to him.”
Oh my. No chief of staff? I’m sure that would work out wonderfully. It is in line with the Tiny Tyrant’s desire to be a dictator. Christ, just when you keep trying to tell yourself it couldn’t get worse, it always gets worse. I am not looking forward to slamming into the bottom of the barrel at speed.
As for zen, hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Oh, I can’t think of a worse word to apply to the Tiny Tyrant. I’m fair confident in saying that chances are high that Trump doesn’t know the meaning of the word. “Zen and the Art of Being A Dictator“.
Back when Donny was confined to Trump Tower, he didn’t run a damn thing, and that’s how he wants to do things now? Well, it would be better if he stopped trying to run things…
“We’re dealing with a new president here,” he explained. “I would tell you Hope has very good political instincts. They came to her very quickly during the short time I worked with her, and she was essentially his gatekeeper during the election. And she would be great at that position, and she doesn’t take — she knows the way he’s going to work.”
“She’s not going to be insulted like John Kelly that the president is going to do what the president is going to do,” Nunberg concluded.
Yeah, we all know what we’re dealing with, and “political instincts” be damned. What’s required is someone who is actually qualified for the fucking job, but I guess we can’t even have that much in the revolving door regime.
Via RawStory.
Zen? More like “Ubu Roy.”
But she doesn’t have blond hair.
@ 2 chigau
Blond hair is not required for staff.
From what I have read, if she had some real experience she might not be a bad choice. Obviously she knows more than Trump but not enough real experience to keep the old geezer partly connected to reality.
Still, knowledge and experience has not been a requirement for a lot of Trump’s appointments. Okay, she has my vote.
How the hell do you go about getting someone’s zen?
@ 4 Saad
The new quantum Polaroid Camera. Just came out.