The Healing Arts: A Cure for Lying and a Bad Memory.

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A Cure for Lying and a Bad Memory. Thomas Rowlandson, Etching coloured, 1807. Subject: Pharmacy, Medicine.

A Cure for Lying and a Bad Memory. Thomas Rowlandson, Etching coloured, 1807. Subject: Pharmacy, Medicine.


  1. says

    Asafoetida has a long history, and most Westerners can’t handle the smell or the taste. Way back when, malingerers in the military were dosed with it, or made to wear a small bag full of it around their necks, and remarkably, the malingering was cured!

    Seems to me it would be a fine thing to dose the senate, congress, and everyone in the white house.

  2. avalus says

    Stop lying?
    Nah, would be too hard. Maybe a snakepit?

    Asafoetida: I learned something new, thank you!

  3. says


    Welcome! I don’t buy being a liar with such a bad memory. Good liars need an excellent memory. Of course, that could just mean he was a bad liar. ;D

  4. jazzlet says

    I like asafoetida in Indian cooking, but have problems obtaining pure asafoetida, rather than asafoetida cut with a lot of tumeric. Nothing wrong with tumeric, it’s just that you don’t usually frazzle it in oil at the start of a recipe and so the results are different than if you are using pure asafoetida. It reminds me of the corner shops of my student days in Birmingham and later in Wolverhampton

  5. says

    You can get the pure stuff from a number of vendors online; it’s one of those things you really have to order special, or else you get stuck with 3rd rate or cut like you mention, Jazzlet. When it comes to cooking with it, the purity really does matter.

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