A few weeks ago I tried to take a few pictures of a buzzard. More of a bugger, because it buggered off to somewhere far whenever I got close enough to get it into focus. And it was always in the evening when the light was crap.
A few weeks ago I tried to take a few pictures of a buzzard. More of a bugger, because it buggered off to somewhere far whenever I got close enough to get it into focus. And it was always in the evening when the light was crap.
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Caine says
Wow, that’s one hell of a shot, Charly!
Giliell, professional cynic -Ilk- says
Thatsa wonderful shot, the bird basically sitting on the light.
Marcus Ranum says
Ignition… We have main engine ignition.
Joseph Zowghi says
Ah, those cheeky buzzards. In any case, it’s a wonderful picture.
jazzlet says
Yeah, it may not be a photo that you could use to learn to id a buzzard, but it is great. I love the way the buzzard is keeping an eye on you, ready to move if you get any closer, as well as the position of the sun.
lumipuna says
“The Eagle has landed…The Buzzard taking off in 3…2…1…”
Nightjar says
You composed this shot so brilliantly, I love it!
Ice Swimmer says
Even though the light is low, it’s a photographic photograph. A wonderful, handsome picture.