I started this last week in hospital, and I’ll most likely still be working on it at the next chemo session on the 21st. Markers on Bristol, 16″ x 20″. Click for full size.
Thank you both, very much. Getting back to art work is helping me tremendously, that’s the place I need to be. If I’m not immersed in art work, I’m not being me.
That is a big drawing. And, kinda beautiful and terrifyingly depressing at the same time.
Powerful. Caine you are really good at putting emotions down in line and colour.
Thank you both, very much. Getting back to art work is helping me tremendously, that’s the place I need to be. If I’m not immersed in art work, I’m not being me.
I can almost hear the scream.
Thank you.
Looks accurate.
Chigau, thank you.
I love all of this.
Thank you very much.