Frothy fanatic Kevin Swanson has the answer as to why the people of Alabama failed Roy Moore so miserably – porn!
Swanson, who interviewed Moore on his program earlier this year, told his audience that Alabama was among the states where people spent the most time on the website Pornhub in 2016, which lead him to conclude that it was no coincidence that Moore lost because “that state probably has significant sexual problems, especially since Doug Jones is so in favor of sexual perversion, transgenderism and homosexuality. Evidently, the state of Alabama must have a problem with sexuality. It’s obvious.”
Somehow or another, this wasn’t any sort of a problem when you thought Moore was going to win. Doug Jones is so in favour of people. People who come in all shapes, sizes, colours, and genders. Mr. Jones has the radical notion that they are all human, and deserving of the same rights automatically consigned to the straight white male person contingent. It is true that the people of Alabama did, in the end, have a problem with sexuality. Specifically, they had a problem with Roy Moore’s sexuality. It’s interesting how that troubled people enough to get out and rock the vote, but it doesn’t seem to trouble you at all, Mr. Swanson.
“Unless there is a spiritual awakening,” Swanson added, “I think these conservative states are going to become liberal in their moral values within another five, 10, or 20 years. If the fathers are doing pornography, the kids are going to turn into homosexuals. The fathers will hide their sin and the children will come out of the closet with it.
People will come out of the closet whether or not their parents might indulge in porn. That would be because sexual orientation is not caused by, or swayed by porn. Of course, you’re the idiot who thinks Disney movies will turn a whole generation of sprogs gay. (Frozen). Swanson also thinks that the death penalty is appropriate for queer folk.
By the way, the top porn search word in Alabama and Mississippi is ‘lesbian.’ So another indication that the father’s generation is dabbling in porn, the children’s generation will go head over heels for some of the most egregious sexual crimes that men ever engage in.”
Lesbian porn has always been popular. It’s interesting that you focus solely on men, Mr. Swanson. Women and non-binary people watch porn too. As for the most egregious sexual crimes men engage in, that would not be watching porn. It would be things like rape and sexual assault. Like the sexual assault of a 14 year old young woman by a man in his 30s. His name is Roy Moore. Just getting your froth back on track here.
Via RWW.
Speaking of frenzied fanaticism, the Family Research Council has a special prayer going out:
“Lord, you ordained use of ‘the sword’ for national security and police protection a core role of civil government. You created the two distinct, biological sexes as fundamental to life and decreed that sexual anarchy is a serious sin with profound consequences to individuals and society. Lord, intervene! Prevent our military from further weakening and our society from further sexual anarchy via the godless indoctrination of our troops. Guide and govern our leaders in all three branches of government. You are our Judge. You are our Lawgiver; and You are our King; it is You who will save us!”
Sexual Anarchy! That sounds kinda fun.
“Alabama was among the states where people spent the most time on the website Pornhub in 2016”
That’s disgusteing.
Xhamster has much more variety.
Xhamster does sex ed, too! Win win.
Thank you for that horrifying image.
Yes, our next generation will grow up to be men that engage in the egregious crime of lesbianism!
Swanson’s not even wrong here — as appalling as his rhetoric is, he ALSO misinterpreted this map for which he chose to spring board off into blithering idiothood. The map merely shows the average visitation times given *any size* customer base in a given state. Perhaps pornhub has only a single, Alabama customer who goes on there for 12 minutes everyday, meanwhile there entire state of Oregon can still indulge daily but are quicker about it (because Oregonians don’t need to waste time praying for forgiveness first!).
“Evidently, the state of Alabama must have a problem with sexuality. It’s obvious.”
Once again a member of the religious right demonstrates that they mean exactly the opposite when using words like “Evidently” and “obvious” in public (although he still might be correct about Alabama having a problem with sexuality…just not in the ways he listed).
Cofounder: Slow d/l speeds?