BIG pics, do the clickin’ for full size. Cloudy today, so lovely light. And I remembered to sign it. If I didn’t have metal tip squeezies, I’d never sign anything. Acrylics on canvas, 36″ x “36”.
Wow. These are amazing. The textures are absolutely wonderful.
I still don’t know if that hand is extended for help or to help.
But the red makes a very vulval shape, and that in itself is something to think about.
I still don’t know if that hand is extended for help or to help.
With me, it’s for. It’s odd, but I can’t pass by it without succumbing to the urge to place my hand on my own handprint. I do it every time I go by it. It’s very soft and puffy.
That said, as you know, I’m reluctant to say much about any of my pieces. It’s for each person to see their own story.
Ice Swimmersays
I love how the details are hiding in plain sight. Very powerful. I can hear the music in this, but I can’t put it in notes and chords.
Wow. These are amazing. The textures are absolutely wonderful.
I still don’t know if that hand is extended for help or to help.
But the red makes a very vulval shape, and that in itself is something to think about.
That is wonderfully wild. I could almost get lost in it.
And if you’re dying of curiosity, the texture is from a very old, battered wind sock I had hanging through all weather for 20 something years.
Thank you both, so very much!
With me, it’s for. It’s odd, but I can’t pass by it without succumbing to the urge to place my hand on my own handprint. I do it every time I go by it. It’s very soft and puffy.
That said, as you know, I’m reluctant to say much about any of my pieces. It’s for each person to see their own story.
I love how the details are hiding in plain sight. Very powerful. I can hear the music in this, but I can’t put it in notes and chords.
Would you sell this?
Ice Swimmer:
That’s an excellent descriptor.
It’s $2,700.