
  1. rq says

    Wow. These are amazing. The textures are absolutely wonderful.
    I still don’t know if that hand is extended for help or to help.
    But the red makes a very vulval shape, and that in itself is something to think about.

  2. says

    And if you’re dying of curiosity, the texture is from a very old, battered wind sock I had hanging through all weather for 20 something years.

  3. says


    I still don’t know if that hand is extended for help or to help.

    With me, it’s for. It’s odd, but I can’t pass by it without succumbing to the urge to place my hand on my own handprint. I do it every time I go by it. It’s very soft and puffy.

    That said, as you know, I’m reluctant to say much about any of my pieces. It’s for each person to see their own story.

  4. Ice Swimmer says

    I love how the details are hiding in plain sight. Very powerful. I can hear the music in this, but I can’t put it in notes and chords.

  5. says

    Ice Swimmer:

    I can hear the music in this, but I can’t put it in notes and chords.

    That’s an excellent descriptor.

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