rq asked if I had made any progress, and I promised another pic. Another bad one, I’m afraid. I didn’t feel like dismantling the quilt frame top and hauling it outside. Not as much progress as I’d like, but I haven’t been able to work on it consistently. The current section is 13.5″ x 5″. Click for full size.
© C. Ford.
Right now, it’s a mysterious beast -- rhino/shark/triceratops cross.
Or a cold, rocky mountain range in the distance as you look up past the horizon towards the deadly black sea…
I do love abstracts, it’s always delightful, what people see.
It remains to be seen whether the triceratops will stay as you progress. Happy couching!
Hee. I have no idea, I’m just following the thread. :D
Ariadne at her most relaxed (hey, it’s couching!).
With no Daedalus to worry about, either.
How does one express respect on the internet?
Raucous Indignation:
I think you just did. Thanks. :)