Black Stork.



rq explains: The first black stork has returned to his nest! A rarity here and in the world, their nesting area is closely monitored and deforestation efforts are co-ordinated with ornithologists every year.
He’s not tagged, but experienced observers say it’s the same guy from previous years; his mate hasn’t returned yet. Of the three ‘šeit’ links at the end, the first is a live camera view of the black stork nest, while the third has five different live camera links to bird nests: white-tailed eagle, black stork, chickenhawk, Eurasian eagle-owl (whose Latin name Bubo bubo I adore) and osprey. According to the third text, the chickenhawks and the eagle-owls are already incubating eggs.

Via DelfiTV.


  1. rq says

    Apparently (as per a news item I caught on Thursday), there’s some disagreement as to his identity -- it might not actually be Ozols (“oak”) but a different black stork, and this can’t be conclusively confirmed until his mate Zīle (“acorn”) returns (if at all, apparently black storks migrate alone and separately). One of the forums is (was, as per the item) afire with discussion re: for and against arguments, probably right down to the level of personal insults.
    If it is Ozols and if he will be alone this season, he might have some issues finding a mate, as the black stork is a very rare bird and it’s unlikely a random female will randomly migrate to the area. There will be an update next week, though if his (a) mate returns before then, I’m sure it will make headlines again. :)

  2. rq says

    I should also clarify this:

    deforestation efforts are co-ordinated with ornithologists every year

    There are attempts to co-ordinate deforestation efforts, which are not always successful. A few years back there was a big outcry in the ornithologist community about how drastically black stork territory has been reduced (they like to live in a type of forest that, industrially, is of little value).

  3. says

    Beautiful critters, and how different from their white brethren who thrive well close to humans.

    There are actually black stork colonies about 2 hours away from me, but I have never seen any as they are rare and protected indeed.

  4. rq says

    Uhu? :D It’s known as the ūpis here (oooo-piss -- hey, who mentioned nettles?). Sounds like they’re not known for their cheery nature. :D

  5. blf says

    The mildly deranged penguin considers their attempts at a feathered tuxedo pathetic. She also points out that, unlike penguins, they walk slowly and require thermals to fly; penguins, of course, are the ballet dancers of land and air (and undersea, which these wobbly imitators don’t even try). And they are not known for liking cheese, she grumbles…

  6. quotetheunquote says

    Very exciting! Great to see that there are people taking an interest in preserving this threatened species.

  7. rq says

    They tried to explain what they needed by making “uhuuuuu” noises like the bird….

    The main question is, did they get what they need?

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